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Knowing Allah

Under category Sunna in our Lives
Creation date 2012-09-05 19:48:30
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Why Islam Forbids Eating Pork?

The answer to this question has been subject of debate between Muslims and people of other faiths who eat pork and breed them, since they do not convince with the reasons why Islam forbids eating the meat until you overwhelmed them panic by the outbreak of swine flu that spread around the world.

Then Dr. Hassan Mustafa, a member of the World Union for health in Canada, list us diseases transmitted to man by beef and pork:

1. The pork cannot be undone all the amount of uric acid that forms in your body, since that is the main element of the urine. Just delete 2% and 98% remains in his flesh. This simply means that pork is saturated with the main element of the urine, of which the bodies of all living beings on the face of the Earth try to rid with the urinary system, due to poisonous substances containing. That's why pork eaters have a higher rate of arthritis due to the high level of uric acid in your blood.

2. The pig meat is difficult to digest, takes a full 4 hours to be able to be digested, and the amount of digested protein that is absorbed after that process does not exceed 14%. For this reason, pork is bad nutritionally speaking, so it does not compensate for the money that pays for it, since the meat of pig, in many countries, is more expensive than meat from other animals whose meat is edible and does not have this kind of problems.

3. The pig meat contains high levels of the growth hormone, which accelerates the proliferation of cancer cells if they exist.

4. The fat of the pig is difficult to digest and emulsify in the digestive system. Most of it consists of harmful saturated fats. It is absorbed from the intestines by the blood in the form of huge molecules, is possibly pellet on the walls of the blood vessels and block them, causing blood clots, sclerosis and high levels of cholesterol and saturated fats (triglycerides) in the blood.

5. The pork fat is deposited in the human body in the same place where is the pork, and this is really strange! If the grease comes from the belly of pork, it will be set in the belly of the person who eats it. In this way, the pork fat helps to distort the human body.

6 Eat pork paves the way for many diseases and skin problems, such as grains, ulcers, bags of fat and itching, since it contains a high level of histamine.

7. The pigs and their meat are source of over 75 diseases caused by parasites, germs and viruses that are transmitted to the man, which include trichinosis, from which pork can hardly deliver. Trichinosis parasites remain in muscles of man, causing severe headaches, which possibly could paralyze its movements. Also, can remain in the diaphragm causing obstruction of breathing and death. In addition, these parasites can remain for more than 30 years in muscles after locking themselves in CALCIC sacks.

It is very interesting to know that an American researcher published on the website of the archives of internal medicine, June 11, 2001, that the renowned German composer, Mozart, possibly died by eating raw pork meat 44 days before his fatal illness which lasted 15 days. He was infected by trichinosis, which was not yet known at that time

8. The body of the pig is regarded as a biological factory that has the potential to cause disease caused by viruses and epidemics that may affect the man because of the genetic similarity of the pork with the human being cells. The global pandemic called "swine flu" that we are witnessing today is the result of metamorphosis and the merger of the influenza viruses avian, human flu, swine flu inside the body of the pig. All of them were transformed into a new deadly virus, which is transmitted from pigs to people and from man to man. A case was registered recently in Canada, where this disease was transmitted from an infected person to a herd of pigs, thus making the pandemic enters a very dangerous integrated cycle.





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