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Knowing Allah

The Promised Prophet of the Bible -Dr. Mounquedh Bin Mahmoud As-Saqâr

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Sources and References        8197
Conclusion        12745
Priest Fender’s Objections and Alhindi’s Response        12582
The Parakletos is a Human Prophet, Not The Holy Spirit        11042
Jesus Prophesies the Parakletos        15423
The Smaller in The Kingdom Of God        7238
The Prophecy About Elijah        8996
The Prophecy of (Mehmad), The Desire of Nations        9311
The Prophet Daniel Prophesies about the Time of the Kingdom        13967
Prophecies of The Kingdom        8379
David (pbuh) Prophesies of a Prophet Who is not of His Offspring        8800
Psalms Prophesy about the Qualities of the End of Time's Prophet        11410
Moses Prophecy about The Promised Blessing in The Land of Paran        12854
Moses (pbuh) Prophesies About the Coming of a Prophet and Messenger Like Him        10404
Jacob's Prophecy About Shilon        12266
The Description Of The New Kingdom’s Nation        9368
Were The Children Of Israel Exclusively The Chosen?        11611
Ishmael's Blessed Nation        10749
Did Muhammad (Pbuh) Call Himself The Expected Prophet?        12829
Did Jesus (PBUH) Claim that he is the Expected Messiah?        11912
The Disciples’ Lack of Understanding of the Prophecies about the Messiah        10975
The Expected King        11237
Introduction to the Prophecies of the Holy Bible        11930