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Knowing Allah

Q & A and Advice

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Article Title Hits
The Means to a Righteous Heart        1759
Pictures - Haram or Halal?        1920
One of the Conditions of Marriage Being Valid is the Presence of a Wali        1594
The Paradise of the World        1552
Who Are The Ones Who Will Be Excused For Ignorance About ‘Aqeedah And Matters Of Fiqh?        3005
Keeping a Dog, Touching it and Kissing it        3529
What Should Be Avoided by the One Who Wants to Offer a Sacrifice        1815
About Sufism and the Jamaa’at al-Tableegh        2065
Hope Worship        1716
Sufficient for mi is Allah        1561
Renew Your Life in Ramadan        1947
Significance of I'tikaf        2307
Can women do I'tikaf at Home?        3967
Neglecting Fasting in Ramadan: Any Expiation?        2022
Is it Obligatory for a Woman to Get Married?        1930
Sinning While Fasting [Does it Break the Fast?]        2133
We Made Some of you a Fitnah to Others        2225
Repentance of an Apostate        3008
The Opinions of the Fuqaha' of the Four Madhhabs Regarding Hijab        1940
Three Questions in the Grave        2148
Zakaah on an Employee’s Salary        1934
Which is More Important, Repeating the Word of the Adhaan or Hastening to Break the Fast?        2069
Some of the Sunnahs of Fasting        1820
Ruling on Watching Movies and TV, and Playing Cards, During the Day in Ramadaan        2161
Should he Fast with his Own Country or with Any Country that Sights the New Moon?        1985
Dar ul-Harb Rulings        2060
Migration for the Cause of Allah        2056
Muslims in Non-Muslim Lands        1990
Our Attitude Towards Differences Among the Scholars        1836
Fasting on his Birthday and on the Birthday of the Prophet (pbuh)        3307
Salvation from Hellfire        1817
Repentance Is Sufficient        1723
The Devil Swore: “And Indeed I will Order them to Alter the Creation of Allaah.”        1954
The Four Juristic Schools and their Authenticity        1671
Refuting the Sufi’s Saying about Abandoning Fear and Hope        2401
Short Temper        2097
Different Kinds of Humility        2355
Giving Good Advice to Fellow Muslims        3164
Manhaj as-Saalikeen, Point I        1937
Does Supplication Change That Which is Written?        1817
Sinning while Fasting [Does it Break the Fast?]        1844
Du’aa’s to Remove Depression        2659
Tahajjud: Virtues and Way of Performance (Part II)        2173
Tahajjud: Virtues and Way of Performance (Part I)        2471
Giving sadaqah (charity) to non-Muslims        3441
The Remedy for Whispering (of Satan) in the Prayer        2632
Ruling on contests where buying something is a necessary condition of entry        1794
Beware of Anger!        2202
Following the authentic Hadeeth and to leave every statement that opposes it - Narrations of the Salaf        2049
Sleeping in state of purification        2024
Istijmaar & Praying with Shoes in the Masjid        2210
The difference between Hajj and sitting after Fajr        2140
Using the masculine pronoun “He” when referring to Allah, may He be exalted        2073
Why does Allah the Lord use the word "We" to refer to Himself?        2018
Can not touch his face during ablution due to laser surgery        1940
The Sunnah way of bidding farewell to a traveler        1845
The concept of Tawaatur        1760
Why are we afraid of death and how to cope with this feeling?        2167
What is the virtue of Ahl al-Bayt? Will they intercede for the people on the Day of Resurrection?        2360
Six Rights of Every Muslim       Ash-Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin Naasir As-Sa`dee 2126
The Importance of Being Truthful       Shaikh Falah Isma'eel 2143
Imitating non-Muslims and the celebration of the New Year        2575
Those Who Put Themselves Forward to Teach        1959
How to explain the Christmas lights to your kids?        2062
Why It Is Impermissible to Say “Islamic liberalism”?        1842
The remedy for the whispers (of Satan) during prayer        2811
Remembering Often the Ender of Pleasures        1899
Mutual Rights - Good Companionship - II        1979
Mutual Rights-Good Companionship - I        1907
What Do Scholars Say about Intermixing?        2285
The Sound Heart        2002
The virtue of reciting some verses of Qur’aan just before going to sleep        2308
Is there a specific prayer for increasing provision?        2101
Ruling on having a Christmas tree without celebrating Christmas        2002
The Best Kinds of Remembrance – Heart & Tongue        2234
Consultation is a basic principle in Muslims' rule       Dr. Ragheb El-Sergani 2274
How to Acquire Good Manners       Shaikh Muhammad bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen 2785
‘O Children of Adam! Ponder…        1842
The great effect of seeking the Forgiveness and some of its benefits - IV part        2364
The great effect of seeking the Forgiveness and some of its benefits - III part        1886
The great effect of seeking the Forgiveness of Allâh and some of its benefits - II part        2208
The great effect of seeking the Forgiveness of Allâh and some of its benefits - I        2263
How do we expiate our sins? - Part III        2312
How do we expiate our sins? - Part II        2500
How do we expiate our sins? - Part I        2031
Commentary on the verse “ ‘He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet’”       Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid 2135
Ask yourself 10 Questions about your mother        2626
How to memorise for long-term ?        2217
If a menstruating woman misses the fast of ‘Ashoora’, can she make it up after that?        1853
Why is it haraam for the pilgrim to wear sewn garments?        1915
Is it obligatory to pray jamaa’ah in a mosque that is far from the house?        2304
Can jins enter human bodies?        3309
Is there torment and blessing in te grave?        2068
Judging by that which Allaah has revealed        2407
Ruling on Salat al-Eid for women        2991
Tafsir and fatwa - Women must stay at home…?        7656
Ruling on pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers fasting in Ramadan        3399
Prayers while traveling        5070
Splitting the chest of the noble Messenger Muhammad PBUH        7138
A non-Arab Muslim Marriage to a Muslim Arab woman        8999
A Brief Introduction        4647