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Knowing Allah

Sunna in our Lives

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Article Title Hits
Who are the Mahrams of a Woman        1850
The Manners of Joking        1851
The importance of friendship        1674
The virtue of patience in Islam        7624
Evidence of the authentic Hadith        1775
Devoted but Not Strict        1713
Peaceful Nights        1416
Sunnah -Talbina properties        4108
The teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on trading        1313
The Journey Begins        1437
The Internal Dimension of Hajj        1438
Teachings of the Prophet ( ﷺ) on Friday prayers        3077
Sunnah - Eitquette of eating        1477
Conditions for Udhiya (sacrifice)        2012
Meaning of Udhiya (qurban) sacrifice        3850
The teachings of the Prophet (pbuh)on the call to prayer        1773
The teachings of the Prophet ( pbuh ) on cleanness and ablution        1551
Ruling on appointing women to positions of high public office        1759
Women spend most of their time in the kitchen        1335
Prophetic Pearls: Sayings Of The Prophet -II        1889
Prophetic Pearls: Sayings Of The Prophet -I        2103
The charge of plagiarizing the Bible?        1399
Did Muhammad write the Quran? Did he plagiarize the Bible? Part II        1971
Did Muhammad write the Quran? Did he plagiarize the Bible? Part I        2223
Did Prophet Muhammad spread Islam by the sword and force people to accept his religion?        2708
Why did Muhammad -pbuh- marry several women? Part II        1558
Why did Muhammad -pbuh- marry several women? Part I        1532
Managing Your Emotions: Spiritual Hacks        2714
Prophet Mosque, Dome of Rock Mosque, Al-Aqsa Mosque        2236
Three Common Mistakes made after Prayer - II        1782
Three Common Mistakes made after Prayer - Parte I        1574
Why do we count the age of Islam from the beginning of the Hijrah and not from the beginning of the revelation and the call?        1571
Ruling on offering congratulations at the beginning of the Hijri year        1534
The Necessity of Proficiency        1481
Does Islam prohibit music?        2823
Men and women talking in chat rooms        2109
The new things that invalidate the fast - Part II        1827
The new things that invalidate the fast - Part I        1858
8 Medical Reasons to ban Pork        2775
Ten Things We Waste        1691
50 ways to find the reward of Allaah and the forgiveness of sins        2397
Second Part - True Signs of the Hour        1631
True Signs of the Hour - First Part        1946
Only the tip of the Iceberg        1322
The intercession (Shafa'a) of Prophet Muhammad - pbuh-        4019
Conclusions        1325
How Tafseer is Performed?        1440
Patience: Solution for Life’s Sorrows - Part II        1314
Patience: Solution for Life’s Sorrows - Part I        1691
Things that do not invalidate the fast        1489
Polishing the Hearts        1355
The Prophet in Ramadan        1268
Answers to 7 common Questions about Islam        1835
Fast-Breaking Zakat        1649
Why Laylatul Qadr Is Better Than Thousand Months?        2586
Zakaah Al-Fitr        1436
Ribaa (Interest)        2187
Ramadan Concludes .. What happens now?        1892
Some of the Characteristics of the Quran        1770
Be careful with the innovations! -night of 15 sha'ban        1912
Special Collection of fatwas for Ramadan        2333
The Door of Repentance is always Open        2490
How to be humble        4775
The good and bad companies        2487
The Prohibition of Lying        1537
Is it permissible to have the hair done by a hairdresser?        1718
The Principles that the Woman should Respect when she leaves the House        1723
Ruling on fasting for one who is diabetic, and when is it permissible for him not to fast?        1574
What are the spiritual benefits of fasting? (Part II)        5583
What are the spiritual benefits of fasting? (Part I)        1862
The love between Muslims        1615
How can I acquire good qualities?        1838
How can I acquire good characteristics?        1516
Breaking promises        3929
Medical Benefits of Fasting (Ramadan)        2545
Why do we have to love the Prophet (PBUH)        1572
O Muhammad! Give me something of what you have        1745
Travelling to a land in which evil is widespread        1358
Ruling on Travelling for fun (tourism)        1668
The Comprehensiveness of the Sunnah        2123
Proof of the Importance of the Sunnah        3007
Not Acting Upon a Hadith: Any Excuses?       By Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi - 2524
The Comprehensiveness of the Sunnah       By Dr. Ismail Lütfi Cakan - 2433