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Knowing Allah

Under category Sunna in our Lives
Creation date 2012-09-02 04:00:48
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The intercession (Shafa'a) of Prophet Muhammad - pbuh-



Who is apart from him, take a heavy load [of sins] the judgment day, and may never be rid of it. Bad load, they will have to endure the day of resurrection! That day, when the trumpet is blown, we will meet at the sinners, and their eyes will be shadowed. Se they build a few others, and some will say: have only been ten days [in the worldly life]. And others, the more sensible, will say: we have only stayed one day. And by the way that we know well what they say. [Oh, Mujammad!] ask you what will happen to the mountains [the judgment day]. Say: my Lord will reduce them to powder, and turn them into vast plains. There will be no valleys or hills. That day all men will come to the call of the [angel] Herald and nobody errará road; the voices silenced before the merciful, and you will only hear the sound of their steps. Then no intercession will be accepted, except for those who want to the merciful and his words will be accepted. "Allah well knows the past and the future, and men may never reach this knowledge." (20: 101-110)


The intercession in their everyday language meaning between people refers to when a person speaks for someone to get a good or escape from a bad.

In Islamic theology, the intercession refers to the fact of those persons to whom Allah will allow speak up for others the day of the last judgement, so that they are admitted to paradise, or will be pardoned or reduced his punishment.

Abuhuraira narrated that the Messenger of Allaahrsaid: "I am Lord among the people on the day of the resurrection." Do you know why? Allah will gather (all males) the first and the last on a single plain, so that a Herald can make their voice heard and to pick them up the view. The Sun approach both people who suffer so much discomfort and problems that may not tolerate or endure. People will say: ' perhaps not see the State where you are? Why not see who intercede for you with your Lord?'_ Some will say to others: 'We are going by Adam!' and they come until Adam, the peace be upon him, and tell him: ' you are the father of the humanity! Allah made it with his hand; you gave of his spirit and ordered los angeles (bowing), who prostrated to you. Do you not see that are happening? Do not see what we have come?'

Adam will say, I disobeyed you today my Lord is has enraged as never before was infuriated and never enfurecerá Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! ID to another; ID Noah '. The people will go to Noah and say: ' Noah! You were the first of the sent to the people of the Earth. Allah called you: 'Grateful servant'; intercedes for us before your Lord does not see in what we are?' Noah says: ' today my Lord has enraged as never before is infuriated and never enfurecerá. I had the right to make an invocation that is accepted and did it against my people! Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! ID to another; ID Abraham '. People go to Abraham and say: ' Abraham! You are the Prophet of Allah and his close friend among the people of the Earth intercedes for us before your Lord! Don't you see what we are?'; He says: ' today my Lord has enraged as never before is infuriated and never enfurecerá. I lied three times Oh my! Woe to me! Woe to me! ID to another; ID Moses '. People will go before Moses and say: ' Moses! Thou art Allah sent; Allah graced you with his message and his word to the people. He intercedes for us before your Lord! Don't you see what we are?' Moses said: ' today my Lord has enraged as never before is infuriated and never enfurecerá. I killed a being that I was not ordered to kill Ay me! Woe to me! Woe to me! ID to another; go to Jesus.

The people will go before Jesus and say: ' Jesus! You're sent from Allah; His word given to Mary and a spirit from him; You talked about people from the cradle intercedes for us before your Lord! Don't you see what we are?' Jesus said: ' today my Lord has enraged as never before is infuriated and never get angry. Woe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me! ID to another; go to Muhammad'. People go to Muhammad and say: ' Muhammad! You're sent in Allaah and the last of the prophets; Allah has forgiven you your initial sins and your sins end intercedes for us before your Lord! Perhaps don't know what we are?' Then I'll go under the throne, and one prostrated for my Lord, exalted and Glorificado is. Then Allaah inspires me your praises and the most beautiful praise for him as he was never inspired to anyone before than me. Then say: ' Muhammad! You lift your head! Requests and you will receive! Intercede and your intercession will be accepted!' I lift my head and say: ' my Lord nation! My nation Mr! My nation Lord!' I shall be told: ' Ve and out of fire to those who have the weight of a grain of barley of faith ' and I'm going and I'm. Then I go back and praise it with such praise and I prostrated before him. Then you will say: ' Muhammad! Lifting your head and say, that you will hear! Requests and you will receive! Intercede your intercession will be served!' I would say: ' my Lord! My nation! Fire nation with me will be a'Ve and grain of mustard seed of faith'; I'm going and I'm. Then I go back and praised it with such praise and me messy in prostration before him. Then you will say: ' Muhammad! Lifting your head and say, that is you will hear! Requests and you will receive! Intercede your intercession will be served!' I would say: ' my Lord! My nation! Fire my nation that have less than the weight of Ve and mustard of faith 'and I'm going and I 'm'. ' Then I praised it with such praise and me messy in prostration  before him. Then you will say: ' Muhammad! Lifting your head and say, that is you will hear! Requests and you will receive! Intercede your intercession will be served!' I would say: ' my Lord! Let me (bring) to those who have said: 'There is no Allah but Allah'!' (Allah) will say: ' by my glory! By my magnificence! By my greatness! A fire that have said: 'There is no Allah but Allah'. (Bukhari, gathering all the narrations)

It will be the intercession of the Prophet Muhammadr, want to Allah make us of those who benefit from it.

Allah mentions the intercession in the Qur'an, as well as their conditions mentioned:

1. "Di: to Allah belongs all intercession" (39: 44). This aleya evidence that intercession is possession of Allaah, and therefore that must be ordered only to him. I.e., it is permissible to say: "Oh Allah grant me that prophet Muhammad to intercede for me the day of reckoning". But it is illegal to say: "Oh Muhammad intercedes for me the day of reckoning". This shows the error and diversion of those who call for the intercession to the Saints and the Virgin, or the sheijs or walis.

2. "Who may intercede before the but with your consent?" (2: 255) . This aleya evidence that whole intercession requires the consent or permission of Allah. No one can intercede if Allaah does not approve.

3. "He will not benefit from the intercession but who allows the merciful, and have accepted you his words" (20: 109). This verse indicates that any intercession need to Allaah is pleasing the intercessor and also his words.

4. "How many angels there in heaven whose intercession will have no, except as Allah permits in favour of who he wants and be happy!" (53:26).This verse shows that Allah has to be pleased with the person for who becomes the intercession.

Now that we know the meaning of intercession, will look like and what are its conditions, look in the Sunnah which the Prophetrteaches us what can we do to get it on the day of judgement.

1. Ask Allah the Prophetr after hearing the call to prayer. Ÿabirbin ' Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allaah said: "who then says "of the Adhan:O Lord! Lord called esteperfecto and this sentence to be carried out; give Muhammad the right to intercession andthe superiority; "(and send him to the better and more elevadolugar (in Paradise) you've promised him) (veraque) I will be allowed to intercede for him in the resurrection Diade". (Muslim)

2. Believe firmly and sincerity that anything deserves to be worshipped except Allah (the ilaha illa Allah). AbuHuraira told: ' I said: ' Messenger of Allaah! who will be the luckiest person having your intercession the day of Resurrection?' The Messenger of Allaah said: "AbuHuraira, I figured that no one ask me that before you because I know your dedication for the tale of the new." "The luckiest person who will have my intercession the day of resurrection will be one that said sincerely from the bottom of his heart: there is no deity (who deserves worship) but Allah"'. (Bukhari)

3. Make many prayers (prosternaciones). Is narrates that the Prophetrtold a servant: "How can I serve you?" and he replied: "my only need is that you intercedas for me the day of reckoning". The Prophet replied: "Help me with that, doing many prayers (prosternaciones)". (Ahmad)

But just as there are works that bring us closer to the intercession, there are other works that move us away from it:

1. Swearing frequently. Narro Abu Ad Darda' that the Messenger of Allaahrsaid: "who frequently curse not them or will be accepted his intercession their tes­timonio the day of judgment". (Muslim)

2. Tyrants rulers and the corrupt people who steal from the public Treasury. Said the ProfetaMuhammadr: "There are two kinds of people in my community who will not receive my intercession: the tyrant ruler who fooled (to his people) and the corrupt who steal from the public Treasury". (At-Tabarani, Saheeh by Al - Albani)


Want to Allaah increase our love for Prophet Muhammad and access to her intercession the day of the last judgement.

Want Allah to forgive all Muslims and Muslim women, and help those who have lost the way.






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