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Knowing Allah

Under category Sunna in our Lives
Creation date 2012-07-05 11:50:32
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Be careful with the innovations! -night of 15 sha'ban


Praise be to Allah! He gave us a complete religion with all his grace. Peace and blessings of Allah be with his servant and Messenger Muhammad, Prophet of repentance and mercy.


Allaah says:

"Today I have perfected your religion, I have completed my grace in you and I am pleased that your religion is Islam." (5: 3)

"They have partners who have prescribed in mother of religion which Allaah has not sanctioned?" If not already acted the decisive judgment, would have decided between them. "The wicked will have a painful punishment." (42: 21)

' Aisha said that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "who alter some of our matter (Islam ,Sunnah), introducing something alien to it, will have it rejected" compiled by Al Bukhari and Muslim.

Yaber recounted that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "by the way the best words are the book of Allah and the best guide is the guide of Muhammad." "Worst of all are the bid’as (innovation) and all bid’as mean Doom".

A number of verses and ahaadeeth clarify us the fact that Allah gave us a complete religion and his grace is final, and that the Messenger of Allaah died only after you send the message and have informed the people everything that Allaah commanded do the rituals (words, movements). The Prophet (pbuh) also clarified us that all you people innovate after his death in Islamic rites will be a bid' to rejected by Islam, even if the innovator has good intentions. All the taabi'een knew this, and the wise Ulama who came after them; therefore rejected all bid' to and warned people not to practice them. Among the sages who did so, we can mention to those who wrote books on the elevated position of the Sunna and against the practice of bid'as innovations. We can mention a: Iba Uaddah, At Tartushi, Ibn Shnma, and several others.

One of the bid’a people entered between the Islamic rituals is the celebration of special rites on the night of the 15th of Sha' ban and the same 15 fasting. It is worth noting that no evidence worthy of counting, in favor of the legality of such practices there is.

Some Hadith have reported about the blessings that are on this night. However all of these ahaadeeth are tales of dubious origin (Dha'if) may not be admitted as legal evidence.

Some stories about the beneficial which is the practice of the vigil and prayer (Salat) in tonight was also passed. But these stories are false and unfounded, as clarified it many wise experts of the subject.

In addition to these dubious stories awarded the Prophet (pbuh), there are stories about the Sham Salaf (Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan) support tonight holding in question. However, the vast majority of the wise Ulama is agree that celebrate the night of the 15th of Sha 'ban is a Bid' to rejected by the Islamic law and that all accounts that are given in their favor are dubious or false. Between those who defend this position this Ibn Rajab, who thus puts it in his book: "Lataef al ' arif" and other of his works.

It should be noted that, among the experts of the Islamic law (to the Fuqaha) is usually accept dubious Hadith when they confirm a rite of worship that was originally confirmed by clear and obvious evidence. However, the celebration of the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, does not have any real evidence to confirm its legality and facilitates accept the dubious stories that support it. This rule was mentioned by Imam Ibn Taimia.

Then I will mention some wise words on this celebration; I do it so you're aware, dear brother, the difference of opinion in Islam is always subject to the verdict of the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet (pbuh). What the Qur'an and the Sunna order is our law and we must follow it first and foremost, the verdict of both voids any different view. Any ritual worship that is not prescribed in the Koran or the Sunna is a Bid' that we cannot practice or invite people to practice.


Allaah says:

"Believers!" Obey Allah and obey the Envoy and to those of you who have authority, you argue for something, referred it to Allah and the Messenger, if ye believe in Allah and the last day. "It is the best and the most appropriate solution." (4: 59)

"Allah is your disagreement, any that are who arbitrates".

"Say: If you love Allah, follow me!" "Allah will love and forgive you your sins." (3: 31)

"But No, by your Lord!" Will not believe until you have your dispute judge; "then, now you will not find themselves in difficulty accepting your decision and shall accede fully." (4: 65)

These and many other verses are proof that, in cases of differences of opinion, we must refer the matter to the verdict of the Koran and the Sunna, and there must be total complacency by the verdict of the two, this is what true faith implies and most we should for this life and the one to come. Ibn Rajab tells us in his book "Lataef al ' arif" on the theme of the night of the 15th of Sha'ban:

"The night of the 15th of Sha'ban was praised by some tabi one of Sham (among them: my ' dan, Nakhul and Luqman bin Amer) dealing in it make the most of praise and worship to Allah." Maybe it was that people took the habit of praising Allah and worship him in vigils that specific night. It is said that these tabi, knew the favors of tonight through the stories of the Israelis. When his act became known in other regions the sages were divided thereon: some accepted it and approved of that night vigils - among them are devotees of Basra, however, the majority of scholars of Hijaz (Western Saudi where are Mecca and Medina) condemning this practice - among them are: Ata Ibn Malkia, the fuqaha of Medina and the Maliki school. Finally, the general opinion is that these practices are a bid' to. Sham's own scholars differed on how to celebrate this night: divided into two views:

The first: recommended celebrate collective vigils inside the mosque, Khalid bin my ' dan, Luqman bin ' Amer, and others, often wear their best clothes, perfume is, and overnight vigils inside the mosque.

Ishaq bin Rahauei said that there was no wrong in what he did and that it was not bid' to. Harb transmitted it to the Kirmani in his 'Masael'.

The second: hate vigils in group to do salat, telling stories or raise prayers. It is not detestable is the person to do some prayers in solo. It is opinion issued it the Auza'i, Imam of the people of Sham, and seems closer to the truth.

Then Ibn Rajab added: "the Imam Ahmad bin Hambal not issued any opinion on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban." Some assume that he recommended passing it to pray. They are based on the opinion of the Imam on the celebration of the Eid (another case, in which, apparently, recommended to do so). But there are two versions about this. The first says that it is detestable, because the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never did something similar and neither did their sahabis. In the second version, it is recommended to do so, because Abdurrahman bin Jazid bin to the anti-Zionist used to do it in this way, and he was of the tabi ' a.

It is evident therefore that any kind of ritual celebrating the night of the 15th of Sha 'ban not goes back to the Prophet (pbuh) or their sahabis, but that it was the practice of some tabi'een of Sham.

Thus ends the words of Ibn Rajab, in which clearly expresses that there is any evidence that demonstrates that the Prophet (pbuh) or their sahabis have been held tonight in a special way.


Note also, that the opinion of to the Auza'i, seconded by Ibn Rajab, spend the night practicing solo salat, is, again, very strange and questionable; Therefore, that lacks a legal test as a source may not Institute as part of the religion of Allah, and no matter if it is in group or solo, in secret or in public. Let us remember that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "who alter some of our matter, introducing something alien to it, will be rejected". This and other Hadith reject the bid'as and warn people against their practice.

Imam Abu Bakr At Tartushi, in his book "to the Hauadith ual life ' said:" Ibn Uaddab related that Zaid bin Aslam said: none of our shiukh (eruditos) or our fuqaba had some special consideration by the night of the 15th of Sha'ban nor saw it no special grace that differentiate it from the other nights, nor were the alleged Hadith of Nakhul... "."

Someone said to Ibn Abi Malkia: Ziad An Numeiri said that the reward for the vigil of the night of the 15th of Sha'ban is equal the reward for the vigil of Lailat ul Qadr. Ibn Abi Malkia responded: "If I have a rod in my hand so I get to hear, what verbs with them". This Ziad was a storyteller.

Imam Ash Shaukani said in his book "to the Faued to the Majmoo ' to": "the Hadith said: O Ali!" "Who reads one hundred rakat on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, reciting in each the Fatiha and the monotheism ten times, get everything what you want of Allah..." This story is obviously false. This is evidenced by the promise to satisfy every need for the simple fact of pray one hundred rak'at. It is also the fact that the story which transmitted orally are strangers of whom nothing is known. This affects all chains of transmission (Isnad); they are false and transmitted by people of uncertain loyalty. The author of Mujtasar said: the hadeeth about the salat on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban is false. Ibn Habban quoted a Hadith that says come the night of the 15th of Sha'ban in prayer and oblige during that gave. Then he said: this hadeeth is Dha'if (of dubious authenticity). Also said in his "to"the Lali: the hadeeth of the 100 'at the night of the 15th of Sha' rak ban reciting the monotheism 10 times is false, inventing; with all the respect they deserve Ad Dailami and others.

It should be noted that this story has three different chains of transmission and men of all of the strings are unknown persons of dubious loyalty. There is also a version that says: twelve rak'at reciting the monotheism 30 times. This version is also false. The version says: 14 rak'at is also false.

Some fuqaha mistakenly accepted this Hadith, as it is the case of the author of "Ihia ' Ulum ad-Din!" and others, also did so some mufassirin (exegetes of the Qur'an).


There are several accounts of the Prophet (pbuh) recommending the holding of this evening, there are very different versions; but all versions are false and fabricated. This has nothing to do with the story of Imam At Tirmidi, from the hadeeth of A'sha which talks about the Prophet (pbuh) by visiting the cemetery of to the Baqui' and the Lord descends to the nearest heaven on the night of the 15th of the Sha'ban or that Allah forgives many people in it. It is clear that the legality of rites new and special that night, because they are not even mentioned in the story cannot be removed from this story. In addition, there is the problem that this story of ' Aisha suffers from serious cuts and gaps in its chain of transmission (Isnad). The story of Ali, assuming it is correct, nor would the legality of these rites of the night of the 15th of Sha'ban; However, its falsity is proven.

The Iraqi Hadifh said: "the story of the salat on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban is a false story and is a lie awarded unfairly to the Prophet."

Imam An Nauaui said in his "Al-Majmoo": "prayer known as 'salat ul ragael', which consists of twelve rak 'at which occur between the Maghrib and Isha in the first night of the month of Rajab Friday,' and the night of the 15th of Sha salat ban, which consists of one hundred rak'at, are both bid' to abhorrent." Do not be fooled by find them mentioned in 'To the Qulub Qut' or 'ihia' Ulum ad Din', we must not be fooled by the Hadith that is always mentioned to give legality; These two rites are a false invention. "We must not confuse them by the opinion of some imams who have mistakenly come to recommend them, because these wise men are wrong on this issue."

Imam Abu Muhammad Abdurrahman bin Ismail to the Maqdisi wrote a great book, refuting very well celebrations on this night: many other sages have written enough on this subject; but short of the Treaty means that we will not mention them all; God wants that the above is sufficient to convince those who seek the truth.

Given the overwhelming amount of evidence, it is clear that: any type of celebration that is made on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, either with prayers and fasting, is an invention, a bed’aa rejected by Muslim scholars. These rites have no legal proof that support, on the contrary, is a late invention much later at the time of the taabi'een.

It would suffice to mention the words of Allah:

"Today I have perfected your religion, I have completed my grace in you and I am pleased that your religion is Islam." (5: 3)

or the words of the Prophet (pbuh): "who alter some of our matter (Islam, Sunnah), introducing something alien to it, will have it rejected" and other similar texts.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Do not stand out with special prayers Friday night or day with a special fasting unless it is with any other cause" (registered Muslim). Of these words is makes it clear something: If a night that deserves to be celebrated with some kind of rites, the Friday night would be the first on the other, because the Prophet (pbuh) said that Friday is the best day in which left the Sun; and if the Prophet (pbuh) warned us not to make any special rite on Friday night, is evident that other night nor can we make it more reason.

It is prohibited to stand out one specific night with special rites, except that there is one test legal and specified for that purpose; such is the case of the "night of destiny" and the other nights of the month of Ramadan, in which the Prophet (pbuh) commanded us to pray more and strive in worship and praise. The Prophet (pbuh) same he did so and advised it his nation when he said: "he who passes the nights of the month of Ramadan in prayer, by Allaah faith and confidence in your reward, Allah forgive all their past sins." "And he that spends the night of destiny in prayer, with faith in Allah and waiting for your reward, because to him also he forgive Allah all their past sins" (registered to Al Bukhari and Muslim).


If there is any celebration rituals special on the night of the 15th of Sha'ban, or the first Friday of Rajab, or on the night of the Isra and Mi’raj, the Prophet (pbuh) had advised it his nation or made them himself; and if this has happened, had transmitted it the sahabis to following generations of Muslims and not what they had hidden, because they are the best people from Muslims and which have been most concerned by the message of the prophets for good of humanity. We have already seen the opinion of experts in the field scholars and we have seen that NO authentic account of the Prophet (pbuh) or their sahabas on graces and celebrations of the first Friday of Rajab or the night of the 15th of Sha’aban. With this, is otherwise clear that the celebration in these nights is a bid' to entered in Islam and the realization of these occasions special rites is also a bid'aa / innovation/invented matters.

Something similar happens with the night of the 27th of Rajab, which many people consider the date of the Isra and Mir’aj. It is not allowed to highlight a night with special rituals, as it is not allowed to make parties and celebrations for the occasion. Note that this applies to assuming this date with certainty of the Isra and Mir’aj; but experts in the field believe that the exact date is unknown and this date (27 Rajab) does not have any livelihood and, therefore, is a mistake.

We ask Allaah to us success in carrying out the tradition of his Prophet (pbuh) and that we separate deviations! Certainly that he is Generous and Gracious!

Peace and blessings of Allah be with Muhammad, his servant and Messenger.







Sheikh Abdul Aziz ibn Baz

Third Treaty: the celebration of the night 15 of SHA'BAN



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