What are the Sunnahs Performed before Jumu’a Prayer?
8084 |
6413 |
27534 |
Reading the whole Quran every Month
55214 |
Meditating upon Allah’s Favors
50435 |
Remembering Allah at all Times
64204 |
Don't loose the Chance
52960 |
Actions are but by Intentions
53203 |
Bedtime Sunnahs (the Prophet’s traditions)
66429 |
The Sunnahs of Leaving a Meeting
38869 |
Performing Supererogatory Prayers at Home
48049 |
The Sunnahs of Drinking
47122 |
The Sunnahs of Eating
52966 |
Sunnahs when Meeting People
57785 |
Morning & Evening Supplications
64125 |
Post- Prayer Sunnahs
63240 |
The Prophetic Actions (Sunnahs) of Prostration (Sujoud)
56019 |
The Sunnah of Ruko' (Bowing)
45642 |
Essential Prayers Sunnah
63134 |
Verbal Sunnahs of Prayer
57743 |
Sitting after the Prayer
53789 |
The Sunnah of Al Fajr Prayers
61067 |
The Sunnahs of Wetr Prayer
50389 |
The Sunnahs of Praying at Night
66595 |
The Supererogatory Prayers to be performed per Day and Night
83961 |
Provisions for Sutra
44168 |
Praying Behind Sutra
45647 |
The Sunnahs of Iqama
46022 |
The Sunnahs of Athan-Call for Prayer-
52285 |
The Sunnahs of Going to the Masjid
60116 |
The Sunnahs of Leaving and Coming Back Home
47489 |
The Sunnahs of Wearing Clothes
57497 |
The Sunnah of “Wearing Shoes”
61022 |
The Sunnah of Using Sewak
48886 |
The Sunnahs in Performing Wudou' Ablution
67006 |
The Sunnahs of Entering and Coming out from the Bathroom
57873 |
The Sunnahs of Waking up
74527 |
How can you gain the Love of Allah the Almighty?
109611 |