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Knowing Allah

New Muslim Kit

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Article Title Hits
Ten Gateways!        1470
Advice for the New Mother        1528
Read !        1405
Effect of Major Sins on Acceptance of Good Deeds        1597
Etiquette of Making Du’aa’ (Supplication)        1349
Medical Benefits of Prostration        1484
The Company We Choose to Keep        1627
Does Allaah Delay the Response to Du’aa’ for the One Whom He Loves?        1389
How to Develop and Increase the Love for Allah Almighty        1896
Why Choose Islam?        2496
Position of Islam Regarding Lies And Liars        2477
Levels of Tawakkul        2484
The Levels Of Tawakkul: Trust and Reliance on Allah        3232
Obedience to Allah Brings Provision        1870
The Correct Hijab        1694
What Are the Ahaadeeth that May be Used as Shar’i Evidence?        1462
Practical Tips for Dhul-Hijjah Days        1399
Definition of Udhiyah and Ruling Thereon        1612
Short History of Hajj        1539
The Real Obstacle        1436
Advice to the New Muslims        1667
The Secret to a Tranquil Soul        1939
12 Tips for the Convert Muslim        2108
Giving Charity on Behalf of the Deceased        1527
Common Mistakes: Replacing the Father’s Name or the Family Name        1770
The Virtue of Fasting Six Days of Shawwaal        1287
How to Remain Steadfast after Ramadan?        1500
Parents: Precious Blessings in our Life        1433
Regarding the Meat of Ahl-ul-Kitaab in the West        1395
Paying Zakaah al-Fitr One Week Before Eid        1683
When Should a Muslim Start Fasting Six Days of Shawwaal?        1450
When Should the Takbeer for Eid al-Fitr Begin?        1601
How I Came to Love the Veil        1468
How to Win Ramadan        1592
Deeds to Observe in Ramadan        1602
Islām’s Prohibition of Taking Lives Unjustly and Causing Fear in the Earth        1417
To Have Knowledge Of Something But It Is Not Attributed To Him        1427
10 Ways to Escape the Envy of the Envious Person        1754
The Prophet (pbuh) in Ramadan        2248
A Month of Blessings        1564
Top 8 Ways to Boost your Ramadan Spirit this Year        1723
Ramadan Origin & Fasting        1561
10 Great Goals to Set for this Ramadan        1525
Why do Muslims Fast? II Part        1550
Why do Muslims Fast? Part I        1504
Why do Muslims Fast in Ramadan?        1926
10 Tips for Ramadan        1442
Health Tips For Ramadan        2053
The Excellence of the Voluntary Fast        3222
From the Benefits of Fasting        1521
The Etiquettes of Fasting        1792
The Excellence of Ramadan and Fasting        1455
Al-Istighfaar (Asking Forgiveness)        1720
If the Most Gracious had a Son        1455
The Rulings of The Sacrifice To Be Done On The Day of 'Eid Al-Adhaa        1405
Innovations During the Last Ten Days of Ramadhan        1693
Actions Specific to the Last Ten Days of Ramadaan        1438
`Umrah in Rajab        1610
Understanding Zakat        2190
The Fourth Pillar of Islam: The Fast of Ramadan        1476
Hadiths About Rajab        1988
The Innovation of Fasting the 27th of Rajab        1731
The Month of Rajab - Part II        1700
The Month of Rajab - Part I        1483
What is the Ruling on Zakaah on Saved Money?        1539
Things that Invalidate the Fast        2072
Fasting in the Month of Rajab        2398
A Brief Look at ‘Eesa (Jesus) – peace be upon him- Part II        1513
A Brief Look at ‘Eesa (Jesus) – peace be upon him- Part I        1487
Having Dental Treatment While Fasting        2087
The Dhikr that is Prescribed When Breaking the Fast        1608
Having the Habit of Eating with One's Left Hand        1872
The Means to a Righteous Heart        1514
Types of Amulets and Superstition that Some Muslims Fall into        2027
Fabricated Stories        1750
Ruling on Standing up for Who Comes in and Kissing him        1714
Du’aa’ of the Fasting Person When Breaking his Fast        1440
It is Mustahabb to Complete the Qur’aan in Ramadaan        1358
Female Heroines of Islam - Part II        1930
Female Heroines of Islam - Part I        1494
She Became Muslim but her Husband Did Not        1568
Women Appearing in Front of Men        1553
The Pleasures of Paradise - Part II        1576
The Pleasures of Paradise - Part I        1549
What is a Miracle?        1561
What is the Criteria for a True Prophet?        1492
Salaat At-Tawbah (The Prayer of Repentance)        1981
How to Pray, Right and Easy !        2516
Understanding Islaam       Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen: Sharh Usool ul-Eemaan - 1498
Islam: Creed and Worship        1899
The Meaning of Shahadatan or the Two Declarations of Faith        5638