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Knowing Allah

Clear your Doubts about Islam-Compiled by Saheeh International

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Article Title Hits
What is the Meaning of Jihad?        1705
Isn't Islam a Militant Religion?        2017
Wasn't Islam spread by the Sword?        1950
Doesn't Islam promote Terrorism, making it a Threat to the World?        1599
Why are so many Muslims fundamentalists and extremists?        2860
How can a Muslim be happy?        4447
Why does Islam prohibit a woman from having more than one husband?        1822
Why is a Muslim man allowed to have more than one wife?        2966
Why does Islam keep women behind the veil?        2311
Are Men and Women Considered Equal?        2347
Doesn't Islam Oppress Women?        2231
Does Islam Accept Slavery?        2440
Is There Any Mention of Human Rights in Islam?        1934
What is Islam's view about education, science and technology?        2330
If Islam is such a good religion, why do we find many Muslims dishonest, unreliable and lazy?        2118
Why is so much of the Muslim world underdeveloped?        2083
What is Islam's Attitude toward Western Civilization Today?        3209
Isn't Islam intolerant of other religions? How are Muslims supposed to treat people of other faiths?        3070
Why is the testimony of two women required in place of one man?        2668
Why is a woman's share of inheritance half that of a man's?        2325
Why does Islam Demand Harsh Punishments for Sex outside of Marriage?        3650
Doesn't Islamic Law Encourage Vengeance?        2514
What is the Islamic View on Suicide; "mercy" Killings and Abortion?        2180
Why do Muslims allow the slaughter of animals?        2573
Why is pork prohibited?        2363
Why is alcohol prohibited?        2324
What are the "pillars" of Islam?        1837
What is Shari'ah?        2054
Is it true that Muslims don't believe in Jesus? What does Islam say about him?        2353
How does the Qur'an differ from other Scriptures?        2458
Didn't Muhammad write the Qur'an or borrow from the earlier scriptures?        2562
Why should Muhammad be the Final Prophet? Haven't there been others after him?        2531
Do Muslims worship Muhammad?        3070
Who was Muhammad?        1878
Are there sects in Islam?        2520
Isn't Islam fatalistic?        2125
Why should someone be a Muslim? Can't we follow any religion we please?        2050
Are the Good Deeds of Non-believers Rewarded?        3108
How do you know there is Life after Death?        2393
What is the Purpose of our Creation?        2463
Why only one God? Could He not create another God like Himself?        2032
What is the purpose of worship, and why should people worship at all?        2460
If Islam opposes idol worship, why do Muslims pray to a square structure?        2625
Do Muslims worship God or Allah?        2178
Don't all World Religions have Similar Objectives?        2261
Isn't it True that Islam is an Arab Religion?        2096
What is a Muslim?        1866
What is Islam?        2086
Foreword        2062