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Knowing Allah

Reviving the Abandoned Sunnan by Abdul Malik Al-Qassim

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Not to Sit until Putting the Bier down        1462
Sunan al-Fitrah (Characteristics of Natural State)        4067
Writing a Will before Death        1705
Standing upon Seeing a Funeral Procession        2318
Circumcision        1454
Walking Fast        1641
Speed up the Burial        1440
Snuffing Water in the Nose and Rinsing the Mouth        1792
Naming the Newborn on the Seventh Day of Birth if He was not Named on the First Day        1644
Shaving the Hair of the Baby on the Seventh Day of Birth and Giving the Weight of his Hair in Silver to the Needy        2277
Uttering the Adhan in the Ear of the Newborn        1685
Walking to Eid Prayer and Coming back by a Different Route        2343
Tahnik* of the Newborn        3405
Aqeeqah*        2637
Takbeer upon Ascending the Heights and Tasbeeh upon Descending while Travelling        1925
Takbeer during the Night of Eid until the Imam enters for Salatul Eid        1845
Spitting on the Left in case of Waswasa (Satan's Whispers)        2196
Supplication upon Drinking Milk and Rinsing after Drinking it        2385
Praying at any Place or Pure Spot on Earth and not necessarily on a Praying Mat        1680
Fasting the Day of Ashura' and a Day after or before it.        2474
Fasting, Following the Bier, Visiting the Sick and Giving Sadaqa in One Day        3461
Lying on One's Right Side before Fajr Prayer       Abdul Malik Al-Qassim 1633
Fear and Supplication upon seeing Dark Clouds or Wind, and Supplication upon Seeing Rain or Hail        Abdul Malik Al-Qassim 4614
Taking off Shoes while Walking between Graves       Abdul Malik Al-Qassim 2915
Helping the Family and Wife in Housekeeping and the Kitchen       Abdul Malik Al-Qassim 2133
Visiting each other for the Sake of Allah        4256
Invocation of Riding        4603
Repeating after the Mu'adhin        5412
Praying Istikhara when Hesitant Concerning a Matter        6263
Fasting Three Days of Every Month        6159
Application of Collyrium (Kohl)        6641
Clearing the Bed        6303
Observing al-Sunan al-Rawatib (Sunnah Mu'akkadah)1        10370
The Witr Prayer        5538
Qiyaam al-Layl (The Night Prayer)        6843
Salaat ad-Duha (Forenoon Prayer)        7032
Offering Supererogatory Prayers (Nafila) in One's House        7244
Praying while Facing a Barrier (Sutra)        5064
Supplicating upon Hearing the Crowing of a Roaster and Seeking Refuge in Allah upon Hearing the Braying of a Donkey        6404
Greet Everyone whether Who You Know or You Do not Know        5999
Increase Supplications Before the Tasleem in Salaah (Prayers)        11022
Praying Two Raka'as in the Mosque upon Coming from a Travel, and Visiting the Graves        6431
Sitting while Drinking        11653
Starting from the Right Side on Wearing Shoes and the Left on Taking them off        5711
Starting with Wudhu when Performing Ghusl        8688
The Keenness of Imams to Follow the Sunnah        4992
The Happiness of Servants is in the Guidance of the Best of Servants        8275