Chapter 83: Prohibition of Appointing an Aspirant Person to a Public Office of Authority
3417 |
Chapter 82: Appointment of Pious Governors, Advisors and Judges
3118 |
Chapter 81: Undesirability of Aspiring for Rulership
3106 |
Chapter 80: When to Obey and Disobey Rulers
5226 |
Chapter 79: The Just Ruler
3079 |
Chapter 78: Obligation of Rulers to show Kindness
3419 |
Chapter 77: Indignation against the Transgression of Divine Laws
2988 |
Chapter 76: Endurance of Afflictions
2949 |
Chapter 75: Forgiveness of the Ignorant
3111 |
Chapter 74: Clemency, Tolerance and Gentleness
4900 |
Chapter 73: Good Conduct
3871 |
Chapter 72: Condemnation of Pride and Self-Conceit
4367 |
Chapter 71: Modesty and Courtesy towards the Believers
3199 |
Chapter 70: Excellence of mixing with People and attending their social activities
3443 |
Chapter 69: Desirability of Seclusion at Times of Corruption
3149 |
Chapter 68: Leading an Abstemious Life and refraining from the Doubtful
3114 |
Chapter 67: Abomination of longing for Death
3063 |
Chapter 66: Desirability of visiting the Graves for men, and that they should say
2859 |
Chapter 65: Remembrance of Death and Restraint of Wishes
4129 |
Chapter 64: Excellence of a Grateful Rich Man
2586 |
Chapter 63: Competition in matters of the Hereafter
2994 |
Chapter 62: Selflessness and Sympathy
5171 |
Chapter 61: Prohibition of Miserliness
3614 |
Chapter 60: Excellence of Generosity and Spending in a Good cause with Reliance on Allah
4082 |
Chapter 59: Encouraging Livelihood by (working with) Hands and Abstaining from Begging
4067 |
Chapter 58: Permissibility of Assistance without Greed
2694 |
Chapter 57: Contentment and Self-esteem and avoidance of unnecessary begging of People
3232 |
Chapter 56: Excellence of Simple Living and being Content with Little
2906 |
Chapter 55: Excellence of Leading an Ascetic Life, and Virtues of Simple Life
2644 |
Chapter 54: Excellence of Weeping out of Fear from Allah (swt)
2856 |
Chapter 53: Combining Hope and Fear (of Allah)
3041 |
Chapter 52: Excellence of Good Hopes
2776 |
Chapter 51: Hope in Allah's Mercy
2752 |
Chapter 50: Fear (of Allah)
2903 |
Chapter 49: Making Judgment of People
2667 |
Chapter 48: Warning against persecution of the Pious, the Weak and the Indigent
2791 |
Chapter 47: Signs of Allah's love for His slaves and the efforts for its Achievement
4078 |
Chapter 46: Excellence and Etiquette of Sincere love for the sake of Allah
3270 |
Chapter 45: Visiting the Pious Persons, loving them and adoption of their company
2529 |
Chapter 44: Revering the Scholars and Elders, Preferring them to others and raising their Status
3156 |
Chapter 43: Showing reverence to the Family of Allah's Messenger (pbuh)
3271 |
Chapter 42: Excellence in doing Good to the Friends of Parents and other Relatives
3073 |
Chapter 41: Prohibition of Disobeying Parents and severance of Relations
3289 |
Chapter 40: Kind Treatment towards Parents and establishment of the ties of Blood Relationship
3225 |
Chapter 39: Rights of Neighbors
4096 |
Chapter 38: Urging one's kith and kin to Obey Allah and refrain from evils
2829 |
Chapter 37: Spending favorite things for Allah's sake
3335 |
Chapter 36: Sustentation of the Members of the Family
2748 |
Chapter 35: Husband's rights concerning his Wife
4248 |
Chapter 34: Recommendations with regard to Women
3089 |
Chapter 33: Benevolent Treatment towards Orphans, Girls, the Weak, the Poor and the Humble Persons
3326 |
Chapter 32: Superiority of Poor, Weak and unrenowned Muslims
2788 |
Chapter 31: Making Peace among People
3107 |
Chapter 30: Intercession
2780 |
Chapter 29: Fulfillment of the needs of the Muslims
3241 |
Chapter 28: Covering Faults of the Muslims
3594 |
Chapter 27: Reverence towards the Sanctity of the Muslims
3107 |
Chapter 26: Unlawfulness of Oppression and Restoring Others Rights
3918 |
Chapter 25:Discharging the Trusts
3459 |
Chapter 24: Chastisement for one who enjoins good and forbids evil but acts otherwise
3058 |
Chapter 23: Enjoining Good and forbidding Evil
3318 |
Chapter 22: Giving Counsel
3030 |
Chapter 21: Assistance towards righteousness and piety
3963 |
Chapter 20: Calling to right guidance and forbidding depravity
3848 |
Chapter 19: Heretics doing desirable or undesirable deeds
3904 |
Chapter 18: Prohibition of heresies in religion
2846 |
Chapter 17: Obedience to the command of Allah is an obligatory duty
3002 |
Chapter 16: Observing the Sunnah and the manners of its obedience
2815 |
Chapter 15: The Righteous conduct on Regular basis
2883 |
Chapter 14: Moderation in Worship
3312 |
Chapter 13: Numerous ways of doing Good
3102 |
Chapter 12: Urging towards increasing Good Actions in later part of Life
2990 |
Chapter 11: The Struggle (in the Cause of Allah)
2961 |
Chapter 10: Hastening to do Good Deeds
4339 |
Chapter 9: Pondering over the Great Creation of Allah
4159 |
Chapter 8: Uprightness and Steadfastness
3063 |
Chapter 7: Firm Belief and Perfect Reliance on Allah
4264 |
Chapter 6: Piety
3689 |
Chapter 5: Watchfulness
2903 |
Chapter 4: Truthfulness
3286 |
Chapter 3: Patience and Perseverance
3963 |
Chapter 2: Repentance
2886 |
Chapter 1: Sincerity and Significance of Intentions
3287 |