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Knowing Allah


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Article Title Hits
The Truth of Karamat-ul-Awliya'        3398
Secrets of Fasting 2        1299
Secrets of Fasting 1        1268
How to Handle a Blessing or a Calamity That May Come Your Way        1274
Guilty by Association        1436
The Believer is the Mirror of the Believer        2291
Was Prophet Muhammad Anti Semitic?        1617
How Prophet Muhammed -pbuh- Turned a society Plagued with crimes and Injustices into One that Muslims Believe Was Utopian        1912
A Day in the Life of a Muslim Woman - I        1278
Ask Him        1169
Allah Will be as His Slave’s Good Thoughts of Him        2710
Corruption of Mankind        1235
Obeying the Muslim Ruler        1198
Umar and the Night Prayers of Ramadan        1343
Different Types of Modesty & Shyness        2565
From Defender of the Sunnah to Apostate!        1154
Life after Death        1205
The Remedy for Anger        1446
How to distinguish between the Da'wa Shari'ah (Salafia) and as-Siasia Da'wa (based on political groups)?        1415
The Reality of Death        1105
Events in the Life of Allaah’s Messenger [PBUH]        1989
The Levels of Jihaad        1179
People are of Four Types, And the Deeds are Six        1418
Allah Looks to Your Hearts        2669
When is the Reward for the Niyyah that of the Action?        1579
7 Ways of Building a House in Jannah        4282
No Soul Shall Bear the Sin of Another        1506
The Forbiddence of Adhering Blindly to the Saying of a Scholar in Opposition to an Authentic Text        1258
Rulings and Lessons Derived From Verse 102 of Sooratul-Baqarah        1418
How you Live.....is how you Die        3596
“… and We Made for him Light by which to Walk among the People …”        2420
Aathaar of the Salaf on Knowledge       Author: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi 1759
Religious Brotherhood & its Benefits       By: Shaykh Saalih Bin Fawzaan Al Fawzaan 1232
Do not Call them Christians       Al-Imaam Ibn 'Uthaymeen and Shaykh Saaleh al-Fawzaan 1224
Allaah Tied Guidance and Striving together       Imaam Ibnul Qayyim 1269
Explaining that People are Tested in the Grave        1837
Faith is not just in the Heart [Definition of Iman]        1389
The True Message of Yahya (John "The Baptist")        2039
Praying at Graves and the Conditions of Intercession        1378
Christmas and Islam        1860
The Virtues of Muharram and Fasting on ‘Aashooraa’        1551
The Wise Leader: Perfect Plans to Madinah        1580
Renew Your Life       Sheikh Mohammed al-Ghazali 1411
There is no Power Except His        1333
The Trade of Sincere Muslims        1317
Praising Allaah – II        1365
Praising Allaah – I        1191
2 Roots of Deep Hatred: The Vatican and Qur'an (2/3)        1553
Best Times to Make Du'aa (Supplication)4        1859
Best Times to Make Du'aa (Supplication)3        2260
Best Times to Make Du'aa (Supplication)2        2063
Best Times to Make Du'aa (Supplication)1        3718
Suffice your Neighbor        2225
11 Good Reasons to Do Good Deeds        1423
Liars and Lying        1930
Sha'baan: A Blessed Month that People Neglect - III        1333
Sha'baan: A Blessed Month that People Neglect - II        1418
Sha'baan: A Blessed Month that People Neglect - I        1398
Moral Code of the Daa`iya       By Sheikh Salman al-`Awdah 1834
Good Manners at Home       By Sheikh Saalih al-Munajjid 1807
Avoiding harms of the tongue        1723
Lying: an Islamic perspective        3046
Backbiting & Slander        2071
Understanding the Value of Time - II        1838
Understanding the Value of Time - I        1996
Do not Live without a Vision        1861
Muslim’s Unity        2016
Ruling on Celebrating Christmas       By Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen 2521
Sincerity in Intention        1656
The Importance of Fasting the Day of 'Ashoura'        2776
‘Aashooraa’ in History        3949
The Virtue of Being Kind to one’s Neighbor in Islam        2074
Shall I not be a Thankful Servant?        2257
Piles of Stuff: A Reflection on Consumerism        1926
The Best of the Best        1934
The Ideal Status of Women in Islam        3471
Explanation of Surah An-Nasr        1987
Explanation of Surah Al-Maa'oon        1889
Al-Ahmadiyya… A Revolution against the Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)       abdallah zidan 3652
Causes and Effects of Diseases of the Heart        2248
How Should we Observe Laylat al-Qadr and when is it?        5166
Developing the Child's Sentiments - II        1778
Developing the Child's Sentiments - I        1635
Our Worship Through the Seasons       Asif Uddin 2235
What if we Choose Islam?!        4307
The 7 Phases Of Shaytan        2090
Tawheed… the essence of Islam        1727
Blessing of Health and Free Time        2029
Balancing Islam with Difficult Parents        2356
For New Muslims , How to Love Prophet Muhammad ?        4699
The Four Poisons of the Heart        2239
The Muslim Lady; her Role and her Honour       By Aisha Atiq Shahid 2353
Dire Consequences of Injustice - II        2039
Dire Consequences of Injustice - I        2499
Divorce in Islam        2137
Whom one is Allowed to Marry        2219
A Dialogue with an Atheist       Sheikh al-Ghazali 7339
Du'â and its Relationship with Destiny        2350
The Best of the Best        2273
To Celebrate or not to Celebrate...that is the Question        2241
Amending the Husband        1935
Amending the Wife        1984
Loving him is Following him       Ekram Haque 1965
Ashoura and False Religions        1834
12 Proofs of Prophethood        2289
Fasting Six Days in Shawwal        3014
Gratitude in the Qur’ân       Huda TV 1964
The Challenge of the Qur’an       Huda TV 1782
Be Thankful for the Simple Things       Sheikh Salman Al-Oudah 3045
Tips to Attain Spiritual Fulfillment       Sheikh Ahmad Kutty 1875
The Islamic Way of Raising Children        4018
Human Rights and Justice in Islam        2481
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)        2120
Equality of Men and Women        2164
Adhering to the Sunnah During Times of Evil       Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid 2338
If the Prophet Visited You        2293
10 Points of Enlightenment on what Prophet Muhammad gave to Humanity        5100
Do We Need a Prophet Now?        2102
The Values of Jesus and Muhammad       By Robert Houghton 2790
The Timelessness of Prophet Muhammad's Message        4007
Daily Prayers: Why Five?       By-Molly Ann Elian 2769
Kindness to a Non-Muslim Neighbor       By El-Sayed M. Amin 3957
Muhammad & the Origins of Islam        3475
Repent, for Allah is Merciful        3643
Steps to Gain Allah's Love        5234
10 Reasons to Fall for Prophet Muhammad        3893
How Prophet Muhammad Coped with Loss        3573
The Status of Women in Islam III        7518
The Status of Women in Islam _ II        7574
Prophethood in Islam        3386
A Shining Example to Follow        3787
There is Good in Every Event        3586
Do we Need a Prophet now?        3447
Safeguarding Human Life in Islam        3986
Why to Follow the Sunnah        5034
The Status of Women in Islam I        7321
The System of Inheritance in Islam        7735
Property Rights in Islam        5857
An Introduction to Religion and Economics        4125
Freedom of Economic Activity        3609
Islamic Economics ; Justice and Practicality        4146
What Islam says about the Bible        4290
Examples of Prophet Muhammad’s Love of His Ummah        28910
Al-Madinah Charter: Pride of Islamic Civilization        13706
The Efforts of Prophet Muhammad against Slavery and Human Trafficking        6846
Are You Ready to Leave?        4627
The Story of Jesus, Son of Mary        5759
If Muhammad were to Live in Europe; Fridays for Muslims        5281
The Image of Prophet Muhammad -PBUH- as seen by the West        16919
If Muhammad Were to Live in Europe ; Establish a Strategy        4696
The Democratic Republic of Muhammad        4378
A Man Much Needed ;The Prophet's Leading Example        6060
Prophethood: Its Nature and Necessity        4996
Why Muhammad Didn't Die for Muslims' Sins?        6759
100 Ways We Can Support Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)        25742