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Knowing Allah

2-The Prophet's Manner of Communicating

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He called on the People of the Book to believe in Allah without associating partners with Him        2467
The Prophet (saas) never argued with the People of the Book and never pressured them to believe        2179
Some of the Prophet (saas)'s reminders to the People of the Book and never pressured them to believe        2257
He spoke in sure and certain terms to the disbelievers, saying he would never join them        2341
He warned the disbelievers about Hell        2556
He warned the disbelievers by reminding them of the hereafter        2299
He warned the disbelievers they would inevitably be defeated        2268
He called the disbelievers to repent        2368
He did not engage in futile argument with disbelievers        2449
The Prophet (saas)'s warnings to those who denied him        2252
Here are some of the Prophet (saas)'s words to encourage Muslims to avoid avarice and to be ready and willing to give up their possessions:        2241
The Prophet (saas)'s statements regarding the use of one's possessions for the sake of Allah        2264
The Prophet (saas) warned against arrogance        2503
The Prophet (saas) called on people to be of good morals        2546
He told people not to discriminate between the prophets        2961
He called on us to remember Allah by His most beautiful names        2322
The Prophet (saas) also had this to say about life in Heaven and Hell:        2276
He communicated that some people will remain in Hell for ever        2303
He revealed that only Allah has Knowledge of the Hour        2466
The Prophet (saas) reminded people of death        2366
The Prophet (saas) advised his people to take a lesson from the demise of those who had gone before        2217
The Prophet (saas) revealed that on the Day of Reckoning no one would be burdened with anyone else's sins        2257
The Prophet (saas) made it known that the Qur'an was sent down as guidance and good news for the Muslims        2331
The Prophet (saas) announced that the Qur'an was revealed to man by Allah        2240
The Prophet (saas) reminded people that Allah heard even their most secret conversations        2253
The Prophet (saas) revealed that only Allah can know the unseen        2289
The Prophet (saas) warned against idolatry        2375
The Prophet (saas) would explain that the only        2232
The Prophet (saas) explained that Allah possesses infinite might        2415
Introduction        2314