1) the messenger of allah (peace be upon him) said:
((whoever stands (for the night prayer during) ramadan with belief and hope, (then) his past sins will be forgiven)),
[the authenticity of this narration has been agreed upon by al-bukhaaree and muslim]
2) ((the prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray 13 rak'ahs at night)),
[transmitted by al-bukhaaree]
3) ((the prophet (peace be upon him) did not exceed more than 11 rak'ahs (for the night prayer) during ramadan and other than it)),
[the authenticity of this narration has been agreed upon by al-bukhaaree and muslim]
4) the messenger of allah (peace be upon him) said:
((whoever stands (for the night prayer on) the night of power (laylatul-qadr) with belief and hope, (then) his past sins will be forgiven)),
[the authenticity of this narration has been agreed upon by al-bukhaaree and muslim]
5) the messenger of allah (peace be upon him) said:
((seek out laylatul-qadr during the odd nights of the last ten (nights) of ramadan)),
[transmitted by al-bukhaaree]
6) regarding the messenger of allah (peace be upon him): ((when the final ten nights or ramadan arrived he used spend the night awake and awaken his family, and exert himself (in worship) and tighten his waist belt)),
[the authenticity of this narration has been agreed upon by al-bukhaaree and muslim]
translator's note: ((tighten his waist belt)) is a manner of speech implying he used to exert himself in worship.
7) 'aa.ishah (peace be upon him) said: i said o messenger of allah: what should i say if i know which night is laylatul-qadr? he said:
((say: o allah! you are the one who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon me)),
[saheeh, transmitted by at-tirmidhee]