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Knowing Allah

Under category When the Moon Spilt
Creation date 2018-04-17 15:57:03
Hits 150
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In Rajab, 9 A.H., the month of the Prophet’s return from Tabuk, As-huma bin Abjar, the king of Abyssinia, passed away. He had given the Muslims refuge when they were weak and oppressed by the Makkan pagans. Later, when he recognised that Islam was a continuation of the teachings of Ibraheem, Musa and Isa, he embraced Islam. Although he was not buried in Madinah, the Prophet offered funeral prayers for him when he received the news. The in Sha’ban of the same year, the Prophet’s daughter, Umm Kulthoom also died. The Prophet led her funeral prayer and buried her in the graveyard at Madinah, Baqi.

Deeply saddened at her death, the Prophet recognised the grief of her bereaved husband, Uthman , and said to him, “If I had a third daughter, I would have given her to you in marriage.”


A couple of months later in Dhul Qa’dah, Abdullah bin Ubayy died. Ever merciful, the Prophet prayed for his forgiveness and even led the funeral prayer. Umar asked the Prophet not to lead the prayer for the dead Hypocrites, but the Prophet would not be dissuaded. Later, however, Allah revealed verses instructing the Prophet not to offer funeral prayers for the Hypocrites.

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