1- eating before going out to pray on ‘eed al-fitr and after the prayer on ‘eed al-adh-ha:
it is an act of sunnah (prophetic tradition) for one to eat some dates before going out to pray on ‘eed al-fitr, as anas ibn maalik
reported that the prophet,
, did not go out on the morning of ‘eed al-fitr until he had eaten some dates – of which he would eat an odd number.[al-bukhaari]
this only applies to the ‘eed of al-fitr, for ‘abdullaah ibn buraydah
reported that his father said, “the prophet
would not go out on the day of al-fitr until he had eaten, but on the day of al-adh-ha he would not eat until he had returned from prayer.”[at-tirmithi (al-albaani: saheeh)]
ibn hajar
suggested that the reason for that was to ward off the possibility of believing that one should remain fasting until he performs the ‘eed prayer. however, on ‘eed al-adh-ha, it is recommended not to eat anything until one returns from the prayer, so he would eat from the sacrifice if he has offered one, and allaah knows best.
2- the women, including those who are menstruating, go out and attend the ‘eed prayers:
it is a sunnah for the woman to go out and attend the ‘eed prayer, even if she is menstruating.
umm ‘atiyyah
said, “the messenger of allaah
commanded us to bring out the adolescent girls, young women and women in their menstruation period on the two ‘eeds of al-fitr and al-adh-ha, but the menstruating women were to keep away from the place of prayer and witness the gathering of the muslims. one of them said, “o messenger of allaah, what if she does not have a jilbaab (outer garment)?” he said:“then let her sister lend her one of hers.”[muslim]
she also reported, “we were commanded to come out on the two days of ‘eed and bring out young girls and those who were unmarried, and menstruating women came out but remained behind people and pronounced takbeer (allaah-u-akbar) along with them.”[muslim]
however, the woman who goes out must cover her face and whole body with the sharee’ah-approved hijaab (islamic covering), as allaah the exalted says (what means): {o prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. that is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. and ever is allaah forgiving and merciful.}[quran 33:59]
she must also beware of applying perfume or incense, because the prophet,
, said: “any woman who puts on perfume and goes out and passes by people so that they can smell her fragrance is a zaaniyah (adulteress) and every eye is zaaniyah (because it looks at prohibited things).”[an-nasaa’i (al-albaani: saheeh)]
3- going to the prayer on foot and coming back from the ‘eed prayer via a different route:
the prophet,
, used to go to the ‘eed prayer on foot and he would go via one route and come back via another route.
ibn ‘umar
said, “the prophet
used to go to the ‘eed prayer on foot and return on foot.”[ibn maajah (al-albaani: hasan)] in addition, jaabir ibn ‘abdullaah
said, “on the day of ‘eed, the prophet
would vary his route (i.e., he would go via one route and come back via a different route).”[al-bukhaari] abu hurayrah
also said, “when the prophet
went out by one road on the ‘eed day, he returned by another.”[at-tirmithi (al-albaani: saheeh)]
the reason for this is mentioned by al-haafith ibn hajar
in fat-h al-baari. there were many opinions regarding it, including the following:
- he did that so that the two routes would bear witness for him.
- it was said that it was to make manifest the symbols of islam on both routes.
- it was said that it was a good omen that his conditions transformed into the forgiveness and satisfaction of allaah the almighty.
- to alleviate the crowdedness, and allaah the almighty knows best.
4- making takbeer:
making takbeer on the ‘eed day loudly is an act of the sunnah. al-firyaabi
narrated with a saheeh isnaad that ‘abdullaah ibn ‘umar
used to say it out loud on the day of ‘eed until the imaam came out (to lead the people in prayer).
al-bukhaari narrated that umar
used to say takbeer in his tent in mina so that the people of the mosque could hear him and they would start making takbeer. then, the people of the markets said takbeer until mina vibrated with it. ibn 'umar
used to say takbeer at mina on those days and after the prayers and also when he was in bed, in his tent, while sitting and walking during every one of those days. maymoonah
used to say takbeer on the day of sacrifice. the women used to say takbeer behind abaan ibn ‘uthmaan and ‘umar ibn ‘abd al-‘azeez
with the men in the mosque during the nights of tashreeq. (however, women should lower their voice)
as for the description of the takbeer, there are several traditions in this respect including the one narrated by ‘abdur-razzaaq in his musannaf that salmaan
said, “make takbeer as follows:‘allaahu akbar … allaahu akbar … allaahu akbaru kabeera,’”and allaah knows best.
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