hajj is (standing at) ‘arafah. allaah the almighty frees far more people from hell on the day of 'arafah than on any other day. allaah the almighty comes closer this day and proudly says to the angels: “what do these people want and seek?”
the best supplication is that of the day of ‘arafah. the best supplication said by the prophet,
, as well as the preceding prophets, may allaah exalt their mention, is: laa ilaaha ’illa allaah, wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahulmulku walahulhamdu, wahuwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (there is no god worthy of worship except allaah alone with no partners besides him. his is the sovereignty and praise and he is over all things powerful).
the day of ‘arafah is the day of the greatest hajj. it is the best gathering in this worldly life, where tears are shed, mistakes are overlooked, supplications are answered and sins are forgiven.
i swear by allaah, it is a great scene that is indescribable. it is a noble place and for the one who stands there, is a great reward from allaah the almighty. at that place, burdens are lifted and deeds are raised to allaah the almighty.
therefore, a muslim should benefit from these moments in worshipping allaah the almighty, doing acts of obedience and intensifying supplication, remembrance of allaah the almighty, repeating talbiyah, asking for forgiveness, reciting the quran and conferring blessings on the prophet,
. this is the work of that day and it is the most important pillar of hajj, for hajj is ‘arafah, as the prophet,
, said.
a pilgrim should beware of negligence in worship on that great day. it is only a short time and a few hours. when a pilgrim is granted success to act righteously, he is indeed successful and prosperous. indeed, allaah the almighty frees many people from the fire on that day.
when one is freed from the fire, he has attained all goodness and is saved from all evil. how regretful are those who are heedless of their lord during that day! they have been deprived of great goodness and virtue. if they lose that day, they would never realize it again.
a muslim has to intensify remembrance of allaah the almighty in order to be among the forerunners to whom allaah the almighty referred in the verse in which he says (what means): {… and the men who remember allaah often and the women who do so for them allaah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.} [quran 33: 35]
a pilgrim should also increase his supplications by saying “subhaan allaah (glory be to allaah), alhamdu lillaah (praise be to allaah), laa ilaaha illaa allaah (there is no god worthy of worship except allaah) and allaahu akbar (allaah is the greatest)”. these words are better than everything in this world. they discard misdeeds just as a tree discards its leaves. they are the plants of paradise and a tree in paradise will be planted whenever you say one of these words. they also save from hell, exalt one’s rank and they are the enduring righteous deeds.
a pilgrim should avoid what is unlawful in his food, drink, clothing, means of transportation, and so on. he should avoid dispute, exchanging insults, turning away from other muslims as well as foolish words. the prophet,
, said: “i guarantee a house in paradise for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and i guarantee a house in the middle of paradise for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun; and i guarantee a house in the highest part of paradise for one who has good manners.” [al-albaani: hasan]
a pilgrim should not despise someone who seems to be nonobservant or shabby looking, for there may be a disheveled, dusty person who, if he swears an oath by allaah the almighty, allaah will fulfill it. he should also beware of repelling a needy petitioner and those like him.
he should exert his utmost in supplication and resorting to allaah the almighty, intensify remembrance of allaah the almighty in all positions, standing and sitting, repeat it with humbleness and attentiveness, give great care to that, exert his utmost efforts, and keep his tongue moist with the remembrance of allaah the almighty. remembering allaah the almighty is the best thing to save one from the punishment of allaah the almighty. it is the best deed, the most honorable in the sight of your lord, the best in exalting your rank and it is far better for you than spending gold and silver -- even better for you than meeting your enemies in the battlefield where you strike at their necks and they at yours.
a pilgrim should intensify saying laa ilaaha ’illaa allaah, wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahulmulku walahulhamd, wahuwa ‘ala kuli shay’in qadeer (there is no god but allaah alone, there is no partner besides him. sovereignty and praiseexclusively belong to him, blessing is in his hand and he is able over all things).”
it is the good, firm and enduring word. it is the most trustworthy handhold, the word of piety, the best deed, the best thing said by the prophets, may allaah exalt their mention, and the best remembrance.