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Knowing Allah

Under category The Prophets' Stories
Creation date 2010-07-11 10:20:11
Hits 1462
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    the qur’an tells us a lot of wonderful things about jesus.  as a result, believers in the qur’an love jesus, honour him, and believe in him.  in fact, no muslim can be a muslim unless he or she believes in jesus, on whom be peace.

the qur’an says that jesus was born of a virgin, that he spoke while he was still only a baby, that he healed the blind and the leper by god’s leave, and that he raised the dead by god’s leave.

what then is the significance of these miracles?  

first, the virgin birth.  

god demonstrates his power to create in every way.  god created everyone we know from a man and a woman.  but how about adam, on whom be peace.  god created him from neither a man nor a woman.  and eve from only a man, but not a woman.  and, finally, to complete the picture, god created jesus from a woman, but not a man.

what about the other miracles?  

these were to show that jesus was not acting on his own behalf, but that he was backed by god.  the qur’an specifies that these miracles were performed by god’s leave.  this may be compared to the book of acts in the bible, chapter 2, verse 22, where it says that the miracles were done by god to show that he approved of jesus.  also, note that jesus himself is recorded in the gospel of john to have said, “i can do nothing of my own authority” (5:30).  the miracles, therefore, were done not by his own authority, but by god’s authority.

what did jesus teach?  

the qur’an tells us that jesus came to teach the same basic message which was taught by previous prophets from god—that we must shun every false god and worship only the one true god.  jesus taught that he is the servant and messenger of that one true god, the god of abraham. these quranic teachings can be compared with the bible ( mark 10:18; matthew 26:39; john 14:28, 17:3, and 20:17) where jesus teaches that the one he worships is the only true god.  see also matthew 12:18; acts 3:13, and 4:27 where we find that his disciples knew him as “servant of god”.

the qur’an tells us that some of the israelites rejected jesus, and conspired to kill him, but allah (god) rescued jesus and raised him to himself.  allah will cause jesus to descend again, at which time jesus will confirm his true teachings and everyone will believe in him as he is and as the qur’an teaches about him.

jesus is the messiah.  he is a word from allah, and a spirit from him.  he is honored in this world and in the hereafter, and he is one of those brought nearest to allah.

jesus was a man who spoke the truth which he heard from god.  this can be compared with the gospel according to john where jesus says to the israelites:  “you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that i heard from god” (john 8:40).


the virgin birth of jesus

muslims believe in the virgin birth of jesus.  when the angels announced to mary (peace be upon her) about allah’s promise that she will have a son, she was surprised, since she was a virgin.  “how can this be?”  she thought.  she was reminded that it is easy for allah to create whatever he wills.

“she said:” o my lord! how shall i have a son when no man has touched me." he said: "so (it will be) for allah creates what he wills. when he has decreed something, he says to it only: "be!" and it is”. (qur’an 3:47).

it is not difficult for allah to do anything he wants.  he can create a child with both human parents or only one.  no miracle is beyond his power.  after all, he had created adam (peace be upon him) from neither a man nor a woman.  he created the rest of us from both man and woman.  what is so hard if allah decides to create a human being from a woman only?  he only commands “be!”  and it occurs.

some people think that since jesus, peace be upon him, had no human father then god must be his father.  the qur’an rejects this view.  the position of jesus with allah is comparable to the position of adam with allah.  just because adam had no human parent does not mean we should call him the son of god.

“lo! the likeness of jesus with allah is as the likeness of adam.  he created him from dust, then he said unto him:  be! and he is”. (qur’an 3:59).

according to the qur’an, everyone except allah are his servants.

they say: "(allah) most gracious has begotten a son!"- indeed you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing.- whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins, that they should invoke a son for (allah) most gracious.- but it is not suitable for (the majesty of) the most beneficent (allah) that he should beget a son.- there is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the most beneficent (allah) as a slave.  (qur’an 19:88-93)


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