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Article Title Hits
Why Ramadan is Special: Characteristics and Features - II        1337
Why Ramadan is Special: Characteristics and Features – I        1452
Gateways of Goodness in Ramadan-I        1440
The Virtue of Fasting Six Days of Shawwaal        1868
‘Eed: An Occasion for Worship and Showing Gratitude - II        1588
‘Eed: An Occasion for Worship and Showing Gratitude - I        1893
Understanding the Obligations of Zakaat Al-Fitr        1556
Excellence of the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree)        1696
Recommended Supplications on Laylatu Al-Qadr        2223
Virtues of Qiyaam        1531
Special Virtues of the Night of Decree        1800
Sahar:Special Hours for Supplication        1602
Between Hope and Fear in the Last Days of Ramadhaan - II        1471
Between Hope and Fear in the Last Days of Ramadhaan - I        1485
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-IV        1670
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-III        1554
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-II        1720
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-I        2136
Qiyaam during Ramadhaan (Taraaweeh) – II        1477
Qiyaam during Ramadhaan (Taraaweeh) - I        1584
How much zakat al-fitr is and when it should be paid        2134
When zakat al-fitr should be paid        2013
An Urgent Message to My Muslim Sisters in Ramadhaan-II        1875
An Urgent Message to My Muslim Sisters in Ramadhaan-I        1561
The virtue of voluntary Night Prayer in Ramadhaan and Its rulings        1662
Pardon and Forgiveness in Ramadhaan        2126
Self reproach during Ramadhaan        1702
Goals of Fasting        1567
Tips for a Healthier Ramadan        1699
8 Easy Steps to Finish the Qur’an this Ramadan        1779
What is a Successful Ramadaan?        1612
Getting the Most Out of Ramadan        1763
Enhancing Zuhd in Ramadhaan        1665
Reinforcing Family Ties in Ramadhaan        1721
Virtues of Abu Hurayrah in the Context of Ramadhaan        1682
How the Salaf Spent in Charity in Ramadhaan        1858
Keep Up Your Zeal in Ramadhaan - II        1746
Keep Up Your Zeal in Ramadhaan - I        1658
Ramadhaan: A portrait of self-reflection        1772
The Muslim in Ramadhaan        1902
Longing for Ramadhaan - II        1535
Longing for Ramadhaan - I        1981
Saving the Best for the Last        2065
Reviving the Soul in the Last Days of Ramadhaan        2032
Adorn Yourself with Worship in the Last Nights of Ramadhaan        1946
Supplications are Answered during Ramadhaan’s Last Ten Days-III        2069
Supplications are Answered during Ramadhaan’s Last Ten Days-II        2188
Supplications are Answered during the Last Ten Days of Ramadhaan – I        1963
Divine Gifts in the Last Ten Days of Ramadhaan        2158
The wisdom behind I‘tikaaf        2200
The Number of Rak‘ahs (Units) of the Taraaweeh Prayer        2283
Charity and Fasting: Twin Blessings in Ramadhaan        2107
Virtues of ‘Umrah Performed in Ramadhaan        2487
Keeping up the Good Work        2313
Our Shortcomings are Great, But His Mercy is Greater        2204
The Benefits of Obedience, During and after Ramadhaan        2206
The Great Virtue of Ramadan        Abdul Muhsin Ibn Muhammad Al-Qaasim 2042
Welcoming the Arrival of Ramadan       Sheikh `Abd al-`Azîz b. Bâz 2089
Blessings of Qiyaam in the Nights of Ramadhaan - III        1930
Blessings of Qiyaam in the Nights of Ramadhaan - II        1987
Blessings of Qiyaam in the Nights of Ramadhaan – I        2055
The Month of Repentance - II        1990
The Month of Repentance - I        2033
Make the Most of the Season of Blessings        2084
How we should receive Ramadhaan - II        2046
How we should receive Ramadhaan - I        2447
Zakaatul-Fitr and the 'Eed        2121
Indications of the Night of Al-Qadr        2928
Seeking the Night of Al-Qadr in the Odd Nights        2263
Supplication on the Night of Al-Qadr        2473
Seeking the Night of Al-Qadr during the Last Seven Nights        2280
Excellence of the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree)        2504
Peace until Fajr        2287
Laylat Al-Qadr        2432
The Virtue of Ramadan; the Last Ten Days and Laylat Al-Qadr        3633
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-IV        2573
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-II        2493
The Prophet’s Qiyaam in Ramadhaan as described by the Companions        2240
The Practice of the Prophet during the Last Ten Nights        2446
The virtues and distinct features of Ramadan        2460
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-III        2490
Qiyaam during Ramadhaan (Taraaweeh) – II        2202
Qiyaam during Ramadan (Taraaweeh) - I        2309
Prophetic Reflections on Ramadan       Dr. Bilal Philips 3005
The Way to Perform Voluntary Prayers at Night-I        2815
Enlivening the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan with Worship        2772
Great Ramadan Ideas for Children        2947
A Day and a Night in Ramadan (part 2 of 2)        M. Abdulsalam 2704
A Day and a Night in Ramadan (part 1 of 2)       M. Abdulsalam 2824
Striving Hard, Competing for Good Deeds in Ramadan       Sheikh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin Baaz 3046
The Month of Virtues and Blessings       Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi 2788
How Do Muslims Welcome Ramadan?       Dr. Muhammad M. Abu Laylah 2991
The Best Deeds We can do in Ramadan       Sheikh Ahmad Kutty 3548
Fasting: Rulings & Regulations       Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi 2946
Fasting the Second Half of Sha'ban        2993
Making up for the Missed Fast Days in Sha'ban       Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi 3993
A Piece of Advice to Welcome Ramadan       Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid 3719
Prepare ourselves to Reap the Fruits of Ramadan       Sheikh Ahmad Kutty 3156
Preparing Oneself for Ramadan       Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha 2891
Fasting in Sha'ban       Sheikh Yusuf Al- Qaradawi 2697
Zakat Al-Fitr: Rules and Significance       Muzammil Siddiqi 2801
Is Zakat al-Fitr Obligatory on Fasting Persons only?       Sheikh Ahmad Ash-Sharabasi 2929
Spiritual Retreat in the Mosque (I`tikaf)       Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi 3923
Don't Miss Ramadan's First Night        5685
What Is your Objective in Ramadan?        3780
How to Boost Ramadan Spirit        3472
Ramadan: Month of Fasting or Month of Feasting?        4651
The Essence of Ramadan       Dr. Jamal Badawi 4056