orthodox jewish culture considers "women as sinful by nature"[57] and that"woman is dangerous not only because she lacks virtue but because she excites in man a desire that is stronger than his power and discretion." [58]
jewish culture is masculine and woman therein is just secondary and officially marginalized. in such a culture, man thanks allah daily for not "creating him a woman" while the woman praises the lord who "created her according to his providence."[59]the following supplication is mentioned in (menahoth 43b-44a):
"the jewish man is obligated to recite this prayer on a daily basis: praise be to allah because he has not made me a polytheist, a woman or a slave." rachel adler indicates that this prayer is directed to the "hated female body which men thank allah daily that they do not have it." [60]
the conservative jewish movement has been trying to hide these belittling references to women through adopting semantic change: "instead of thanking the lord for not creating him a woman, the new prayer avoid holding the disgusting comparison for thanking the lord for creating him a man." [61]
[57] zborowski, mark. herzog, elizabeth. life is with people: the culture of the shtetl. schocken books, ny, 1952, 1967., p. 133
[58] zborowski, mark. herzog, elizabeth. life is with people: the culture of the shtetl. schocken books, ny, 1952, 1967. 134
[59] zborowski, mark. herzog, elizabeth. life is with people: the culture of the shtetl. schocken books, ny, 1952, 1967., p.135
[60] adler, bill. inside publishing. the bobbs-merrill company, inc., indianapolis/new york, 1982, p. 15
[61] danzger, m. herbert. returning to tradition: the contemporary revival of orthodox judaism. yaleuniversitypress, new havenand london, 1989., p. 291