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Knowing Allah

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Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, this perfect human has left an impact on people even before the honor that Allah bestowed upon Him when Allah assigned Him to deliver the Message of Islam [1]. In the next lines we will shed light on His great manners and impeccable conduct:

How was the Prophet, PBUH, before the Mission?

“Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born A.D. 570 into an Arabian tribe that worshipped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. Through his extraordinary personality, Muhammad made a revolution in the Arabian Peninsula and the entire east, he established an everlasting religion calling to the belief in the One God, he also removed the chains of slavery off women that was obligated by the traditions of the desert.”

Professor (Garcin De Tassy) in his book (Islam) says: “Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, Peace Be upon Him, was born in the nest of paganism, but since a very young age he showed with unique intelligence strong disdain against profanity and great love for virtue, he showed unbelievable manners and good intentions to the extent that his fellows called him, the Trustworthy.”[2]

“Almighty Allah willed that Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, grew up as an orphan so that it would not be said that he used his father’s power, or that he leaned on an authority other than the authority of Allah.”[3]… “The forty years before the Mission that the Messenger of Allah, Peace Be upon Him, lived reflects the reasons for the Heavenly selection of Him to be the Final Prophet, he was a child characterized with levelheadedness, he did not experience diversions. When he was a young boy, grownups were pleased with his great wisdom.”[4] Before he was assigned with the Islamic mission, the life of Muhammad ibn Abdullah was distinguished with purity and tranquility in contrast to the people around him. It was a strange life in terms of abandoning confusion and turmoil in the middle of this foolish pagan environment… It was a mix of honesty and devotion, a scene of expectation and anticipation. It was the pure, taintless and virtuous spirit that Allah has created, and brought him up under His eye. He was completed, prepared and grew up like a fragrant flower from a virtuous pure origin, amid the breathes burning from delusion and sins. So, this flower sprouted among thorns.

This is the spirit prepared by Almighty Allah – The Truth – to turn the page of darkness and deviation to a new page of light and monotheism.

Before the Islamic Mission, Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, used to herd sheep when he was young. He says: “Every Prophet has tended sheep". He was asked: "And did you?" He replied, "Yes, I tended them for a few carats for the Makkans." (Al-Bukhari).

According to ibn Hajar the wisdom of Prophets working in sheepherding is probably: “to be prepared for the mission of guiding their people because herding sheep requires patience and kindness, in addition to travelling and trading.” [5], [6]

There were signs of his coming Prophethood, Peace Be upon Him, some of them are:

First: The Stone Saluted Him, Jabir ibn Samura reported that Allah's Messenger as saying: “I recognize the stone in Mecca which used to pay me salutations before my advent as a Prophet and I recognize that even now.” (agreed upon)

Second: The Good Vision (dream), Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated: (the first thing with which the revelation started to come to the Prophet was the true vision.) He never had a dream but it came true like bright day light. (agreed upon)

Third: The love of seclusion and tahhanuth (devotion to worship) was bestowed upon him: Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated: “…and then the love of seclusion was bestowed upon him. He used to go in seclusion in the cave of Hira where he used to do tahhanuth continuously for many days till he desires to see his family. (Imam Nawawi said: This is the attitude of the righteous and the devoted worshippers of Allah.)

This shows that periodical seclusion is recommended because it helps the Muslim to think of the surrounding conditions if ignorance and corruption spread in the society, but as for the total seclusion it is against the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him. He never separated himself from society, He used to discourage this attitude saying: “The believer who mixes with people and endures their injury is better than the person who does not mix with people nor endure their injury.” (Ibn Majah)

Fourth: He was blessed, the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, was blessed ever since His mother conceived Him. Yazid ibn Abdullah ibn Wahb ibn Zum’ah narrated that his aunt said: We heard that When Aminah got pregnant with Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, she used to say: I didn't notice my pregnancy and did not feel like being heavy like other pregnant women. I just noticed that my period stopped. Someone, when I was between being awake and asleep, came to me and asked: Do you feel that you are pregnant? As if I replied “I do not know.” That person said: You are pregnant of a baby superior to all the people. It was Monday. She said: That made me certain that I am pregnant, and when the delivery date approached, that same person came to me and said: when you give birth to him say: “Aya'izuhu Bi al-Wahid Min Sharr Kull Hasid.” [7]



Ibn Sa’ad narrated that the mother of Allah’s Messenger, Peace be upon Him, said: “When I gave birth to him, I saw (in a dream) a light coming out of me. The light was shining on castles of the Levant. Fourteen porches in the palace of Khosrow collapsed, the fire which the Magus worship extinguished, the water of Sawa Lake decreased and the churches around it collapsed. When His wet-nurse Halimah came to Makkah to find a baby to nurse, and she took Him, she saw and felt amazing blessings when she was heading back taking Him with her. She left her homeland with her husband and her baby son whom she was still nursing, they went out along with women from Bani Sa’ad ibn Bakr to seek new babies to nurse. Halima said: “In a year that was very dry and harsh and drought was predominant and nothing good was left, I rode on my white female donkey and with some of our own old she camels that, by Allah, don't have a drop of milk to give to us. We were not able to sleep our nights because we had our sons crying all night long because of hunger I had nothing in my breasts to feed him and satisfy his hunger nor any food to nourish him. What we were able to do was only to hope and pray for rain and better conditions. That is why I came out on my donkey searching for better life; and I know that l prolonged the way for my people since my donkey cannot move faster. and that is why our journey was really harsh and made us weak and unable to move further without having some help. Thus, when we reached Makkah seeking some boys to breast-feed them every one of us was offered Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, in order to breastfeed him and when every woman learnt that he was an orphan she immediately rejected him. ‘We did this because we wanted to win the favor of the boy‘s father and what he might help us with. In fact, we used to say that this boy is an orphan; what good is his mother or grandfather might do to help us? That is why we used to hate the boy.’ None of the women who came with me was left without finding a boy to breastfeed him in Makkah except me. That is why I said to myself, ‘By Allah, I am going back to that orphan to take him.’ Then my husband said: "Alright, you may do so, and I hope that Allah may give us abundance and blessings because of him." Thus I went back to that boy and took him, I only took him because l did not find another one. When I took him, I went with him back home, and when I put him in my lap he immediately came over to my breasts and started sucking the milk till he quenched his hunger and he is completely satisfied along with his foster-brother (her son), who also drank milk till he is satisfied, and they both slept a good sleep. We also slept with them because before then we were not able to sleep because our son was always crying out of hunger. My husband then went out to check our she-camels and they were full of milk. He milked them and we both drank from their milk till we quenched our thirst and hunger, and when we were completely satisfied we slept a very good and long night sleep. In the next morning, and due to this blessed incident, my husband said, “By Allah, Halimah. you must have been blessed and glorified by taking this orphan.” I replied to him: “By Allah. I hope so” Then we went out and rode my female donkey and carried the baby (Mohammad, Peace Be upon Him) with me. I swear by Allah that my donkey started to move quickly and faster than any other one so that everyone with me said to me: ‘what happened with you the daughter of Abi Zau‘iyb? please have some sympathy on us and slow down your riding pace, Isn‘t the same donkey you have been riding all along this journey since we set out from home? I replied to them, ‘yes, by Allah it is the one.’ Then they said: ‘By Allah there must have been something that happened to it.’ Then we have reached back home in the land of the Sa'ad tribe. By Allah, I did not know any of Allah's land which is more arid and
dry than it. But when we brought this orphan back home with us our sheep began to go grazing and they come back with their udders full of milk. So we used to milk the sheep and drink a lot of milk; whereas everybody in the tribe was unable to milk a drop from their own sheep since they were completely dry. Therefore many people who were present used to say to their shepherds: ‘Woe unto you! Graze with your sheep where the shepherd of him Abi Zua‘iyb is grazing his sheep’ Thus, other people's sheep go grazing but they come back hungry and do not produce a drop of milk. Whereas our sheep go grazing and come back fully satisfied and full of milk. We had been given by Allah plenty of good things and an increasing abundance of beans all the two years we had the boy. He was growing up so quickly unlike other young boys. Indeed, he hardly became two years old when he became a strong young boy. So we brought him back to his own mother, and we were so keen to keep him with us for the blessings and grace we have received and enjoyed while he was with us and we pleaded to his mother to leave him with us longer and we kept asking her till she agreed.” [8], [9]

The Prophet stayed with them until he was four or five years old. Then, as related by Anas in Sahih Muslim, Gabriel came down, opened his chest and took out the heart, he then extracted a blood-clot out of it and said: ‘That was the part of Satan in thee.’ And then he washed it with the water of Zamzam in a gold basin. After that the heart was joined together and restored to its place. The boys and playmates went running to his mother, i.e. his nurse, and said: ‘Verily, Muhammad (PBUH) has been murdered.’ They all rushed towards him and found him to be alright and that only his face was pale. And Anas said, ‘I have seen the mark that was left on his chest.’ After this event, Halimah was worried about the boy and returned him to his mother with whom he stayed until he was six. [10]

When Halimah returned the boy to his mother with whom he stayed until he was six, his mother suffered a severe illness and died in Abwa on the road between Makkah and Madinah. His Grandfather Abdul-Muttalib had warm emotions towards the body, he was more compassionate to and loving with his grandson than with his own children. He never left the boy fall prey to loneliness, but always preferred him to his own children. Ibn Hisham reported: A mattress was put in the shade of the Ka’abah for Abdul-Muttalib. His children used to sit around that mattress in deference to their father, but Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) used to sit on it. His uncles would try to take him back, but if Abdul-Muttalib was present, he would say: ‘Leave my grandson. I swear by Allah that this boy will hold a significant position.’ He used to seat the boy on his mattress, pat his back and was always with what the boy did.

As for His uncle Abu Talib, he singled the boy out with great respect and held him in high esteem. He used to say: ‘Verily, Muhammad is blessed.’ [11]

Prophet Muhammad showed al lot of blessings, Ibn Asakir reported on the authority of Jalhamah ibn Arfutah who said: ‘I came to Makkah when it was rainless year, so the Quraish said: ‘O Abu Talib, the valley has become leafless and the children are hungry, let us go and pray for rainfall.’

Abu Talib went to the Ka’bah with a young boy who was as beautiful as the sun, and a black cloud was over his head. Abu Talib and the boy stood by the wall of the Ka’bah and prayed for rain.

Immediately clouds from all directions gathered and rain fell heavily and caused springs to flow and plans to grow in the town and the country.

Abu Talib recited some poetry in that regards:

A white whose face waters clouds****Helper to the orphans and protection to the widows

When Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, was twelve years old he went with his uncle Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria. When they reached Busra, there was a monk named Bahirah (they say his name was Georges), who came out to meet them. Although he had not met them before, he easily recognized the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, and said while taking his hand: “This is the master of all humans. Allah will send him with a Message which will be a mercy to all beings.” Abu Talib asked: “How do you know that?” He replied: “When you appeared from the direction of ‘Aqbah, all the stones and trees prostrated themselves, which they never do except for a Prophet. I can also recognize him by the seal of Prophethood which is below his shoulder, like an apple. We have found this in our book.” He also asked Abu Talib to send the boy back to Makkah and not to take him to Syria for fear of the Romans and Jews. Abu Talib obeyed and sent him back to Makkah with some of his male servants.

Almighty Allah sent Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, for a clear and defined purpose: to perfect the best of morals. Allah’s Messenger said: “I have been sent to accomplish the best of the morality.”

This is why it is quite logic that the Prophet himself has the perfect morals and to be the best role model in terms of ethics and manners before and after being assigned with delivering the Message of Islam.

The Manners of the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, before the Mission

An insightful look at the life of the Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, would show a clear truth which is ever since the Prophet was born and through his life, there has been a heavenly preparation and care dedicated for him, just like those whom Allah has prepared and chosen to carry His message, i.e. the messengers and prophets who came before Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him.

Almighty Allah explains that the preparation and protection continue from the cradle to the grave, He says about Jesus, Peace Be upon Him: “[Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive. And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant. And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive. That is Jesus, the son of Mary - the word of truth about which they are in dispute." (Maryam: 30-34)

These verses reveal the potentials and long-term preparations that enabled Prophet Jesus to carry the responsibilities of the Message. Almighty Allah did not only tell them that Jesus, Peace Be upon Him, is a Messenger from Him. Allah also mentioned to them the preparation aspects to carry the Message, so that their minds and thoughts become fully convinced and consequently they will follow obediently and completely based on strong conviction.

As for Prophet Moses, Peace be upon Him, Almighty Allah prepared Him to carry the responsibilities of the Message saying to Him: “And I bestowed upon you love from Me that you would be brought up under My eye.” (Taha: 39)

About Abraham, Peace Be upon Him, Almighty Allah says: “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [Allah] said, ‘Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people.’ [Abraham] said, ‘And of my descendants?" [Allah] said, "My covenant does not include the wrongdoers.’” (Al-Baqrah: 124)

Almighty Allah says: “And We had certainly given Abraham his sound judgment before, and We were of him well-Knowing.” (Al-Anbiyaa: 51)

About Prophet Joseph, Almighty Allah says: “And when Joseph reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge. And thus We reward the doers of good.” (Joseph: 22)

The preparation of Prophets was also in terms of the body and physical strength, just as the intellect and knowledge. Almighty Allah says about Saul, Peace be upon Him: “And their prophet said to them, ‘Indeed, Allah has sent to you Talut (Saul) as a king.’ They said, ‘How can he have kingship over us while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been given any measure of wealth?’ He said, ‘Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature. And Allah gives His sovereignty to whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing [in favor] and Knowing.’” (Al-Baqrah: 247)

The Preparation of Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, was quite clear in being famous among his people for good manners, ethics and trust. “The Prophet Peace Be upon Him, was known prior to the Islamic Mission by the Truthful and the Trustworthy, he never broke any promise or pledge, and he never hit or strike except when he was fighting in the cause of Allah.”

Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, grew up under the protection of the Lord, He guarded and protected him from the filth of Jahilayah, in order to honor him and prepare him to carry the Islamic mission. It was known that he is the best among his people in terms of generosity, chivalry, bravery, manners, lineage, neighborliness, patience, trusteeship, honor and dignity. He had the best manners and ethics, and for that he was called among his people the Truthful, the Trustworthy. He was called that for all the goodness in him.

If we think about what his people called him, i.e. the Truthful, the Trustworthy, we would find that they used the definite article “the” by adding it to the adjective, they did not just used a Trustworthy or Truthful without the article. This means Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, was the culmination of truthfulness and trusteeship, as if there was no truthful or trustworthy person like him or even closer to him. That was the truth, “the people of Makkah used to believe him and ask him to judge and settle their disputes, and if they worry about something, they would entrust him with that thing. They even did that after he was assigned with the Message of Islam, and dispute they denied him and Islam, they could not find someone else to entrust with their precious and expensive belongings except Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him. This is why when he was planning to emigrate to Madinah, he asked Ali ibn Abi Talib to return the trusts which he was keeping to their owners.”

When Almighty Allah assigned Prophet Muhammad with the Message of Islam, the eloquence of the Quran amazed them. They wanted to deny him and call him untruthful but they did not know how to do it, so they called him a magician one time, a poet another time and a madman a third time!!!

Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, had a great moral character. That means his deeds are distinguished with ease, lenience and truthfulness, without any pretence because the untruthful person must forget what he said at occasions and he gets confused about what he said, he might claim today what he denied yesterday. As for the truthful, he sees things as they are, and his sayings doe not differ or change, because truthfulness is his nature. He says the truth automatically without prior consideration. A long surah like al-Anam was revealed to Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, at one sitting in Makkah, then Angel Gabriel would leave the Messenger, who was illiterate, then the Messenger would recite to the Sahabah the Surah and say: this was revealed to me. The Sahabah who could write would write down what the Messenger recites, then the time for prayer would come, and the Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, would lead them in prayer.

Whoever is characterized with being truthful will always say the truth even if it is against his own interest. Whoever is characterized with being trustworthy will never take from the belongings of others, even if he was in a desperate need for it. Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, is witnessed to be the Truthful, the Trustworthy by the entire people of Makkah. When he was accused of being mad, they were contradicting themselves because the mad person can neither be believed, nor entrusted!!!

When Allah’s Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, narrated what happened to him in the Isra and Miraj Journey, some people believed him and some people did not, and when a number of people went to Abu Bakr al-Sidiq, may Allah be pleased with him, and told him what Allah’s Messenger said, Abu Bakr Said: “Did he say that?” They said: “Yes”. Abu Bakr replied: “Then he (the Prophet, PBUH) has told the truth.” Abu Bakr said: “I have believed him in what is more distant (to reason) that that, of divine revelation.” It was this incident that gave him the nickname As-Siddiq (the truthful).

If we try to find out why the Prophet, PBUH, was described by truthfulness and trustworthiness in particular rather than any other qualities like bravery or generosity etc, we would find that the truth is “when what is told confirms with reality, and the opposite is lying which is telling something that contradicts with reality.” Truthfulness is one of the highest qualities, it is the best morality that Islam asserts and decrees Muslims to follow. Truthfulness is the reflection of an trustworthy spirit, the truthful shows the integrity of his spirit, because he has no deviation or crookedness, he is as straightforward as moringa trees (long slender trees), and as bright as a glittering lamp. Truthfulness is the most favorable quality and the most satisfying characteristic. The verses and narrations about its worth and greatness are innumerable. Truthfulness is a pleasant disposition that shows the pure nature of the person characterized with it, it shows his self-confidence, genuineness and authenticity. Islam considers truthfulness to be the foundation of every goodness. Islam asserts the quality of truthfulness and calls people to adhere to the truth even if it means there can be damage to saying the truth.

Truthfulness is a high morality followed by the best of people, and avoided by the worst of people, and this is why it distinguishes all prophets, Peace Be upon all of them. While lying distinguishes hypocrites and their likes.

Truthfulness has sections:

1- Truthfulness in the Heart: the appearance does not contradict reality.

2- Truthfulness in Deeds: Whether they are between the person and the Almighty Allah, i.e. to worship Allah with sincere intention, devotion, love, certainty, loyalty and constant worship, or between the person and the other creations, i.e. to treat them with honesty, mercy and loyalty, and to avoid lying, cunning and deception and to keep promises.

3- Truthfulness in Sayings: Sayings should neither contradict with facts nor the intention of the person who says them, he should say the truth and stick to the truth, also to refrain from falsehood and tell what applies to facts.

“Truthfulness reveals the nature of the person, his good disposition and kind heart. Lying reveals the malice disposition and repulsive heart. Lying is a rescue for the one saying it and lying is a destruction for the one saying it. The truth is desired and preferred for the good minds and straightforward natures. The truthful is always praised in life, he is loved by Allah and the creation, his sayings are valuable, and people feel safe with him. The truthful is good for himself and others, he is protected against any evil or falls that lairs get themselves into. The truthful is always at ease and never stressed, he does not feel worried or afraid from being exposed, so the consequences of his actions always lead to goodness.”

In addition to being the foundation of morality, it is a social necessity for the community. It is the biggest door for happiness for individuals and the nation. For example, when you intend to buy something, you always search for an trustworthy trader known for being truthful.

The most accurate measurement for a civilized society is the truthfulness of the sayings and deeds of its inhabitants, it is such a big crisis when people cease to trust each other because of the decay of truthfulness and spread of lying.

“Lying is cowardice, lowness and meanness, the liar will never succeed in his life, he will never be able to be guided to the truth. Failure will always be part of his life because people finds out about his cowardice and meanness so they avoid dealing with him. One lie opens the door for a lot of lying, a person loses his status when people finds out that he lied even for once. They do not trust what he says, and he is the only one to be blamed for that.”

“Lying is an immorality which indicates the corruption of the soul, it reflects a characteristics that leads to evil and sins without any justification or necessity.”

It is narrated that Heraclius asked Abu Sufyan about the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him. Heraclius asked him: 'Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?' Abu Sufyan replied, 'No…. Heraclius later said: 'I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he said, and your reply was in the negative. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah.”

“The Messenger who conveys the method of Allah has to be well-known –before he is assigned with the Message – for those whom he informs. He also has to be known for being trustworthy, truthful and well-mannered in order for them to believe what he informs from the Lord, because the one who does not lie to people would never lie about Allah.”

As for trustworthiness, it is the commitment of someone to fulfill the people’s rights without any negligence, they also have to fulfill his rights without any negligence.”

Trustworthiness is a one of the best qualities, and a basis of the religion. It is essential for the society, there is no difference between a ruler, employee, trader, worker and a farmer, there is no difference between a rich person and a poor person, there is no difference between an old and young, trustworthiness is the honor of the rich, and the pride of the poor, it is the duty of the employees and the capital of the trader, it is the reason why the worker has a good reputation, and the secret of the success of the worker and famer. It is the key for every progress, by the will of Allah. It is the source of happiness and success by the will of Allah. Trustworthiness is not just about the trusts which are kept at people’s houses such as funds, jewelry etc, trustworthiness is bigger and greater than this. It is every act of obedience for the sake of Allah, and avoiding everything that contradicts with obeying Allah, whether these deeds are towards Allah or towards the creation.

One of the meanings of trustworthiness is to put everything in the proper and suitable place, for example a certain position should only be given to those qualified for it, and those who cannot fulfill the requirements of the job should not be hired.

When the disposition of a person is sound and far from following desires, trustworthiness becomes the quality that distinguishes the person. Almighty Allah says: “Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant.” (Al-Ahzab: 72), in Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Imam Qurtubi comments on this verse saying: Al-Amanah (the Trust) includes all obligatory duties of the religion. He also comments on the verse: “And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive” (Al-Mu’minun: 8) saying: The trust and the pledge is the responsibility that the human carries in terms of his religion and life including all his sayings and deeds, this applies to transactions with people, appointments etc. The aim is to keep and fulfill this responsibility.

When trustworthiness prevails, the one who is entrusted fulfills the duty of returning the trust, whether he is entrusted with one dime or massive wealth. The human spirits are inclined to listen to the trustworthy advisor by nature. It is narrated that the people of Najran in Yemen said to the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, when they agreed to pay the Jizya: “We will give you what you asked for, and send with us a trustworthy man, do not send anyone except a trustworthy man.” So, the Prophet (PBUH) answered: “I will send to you a trustworthy man, a trustworthy man indeed.” He sent with them Abu Ubaydah.

The most precious things given by Almighty Allah to a servant that he should not feel sad at all if he misses anything else in this life are narrated in the traditions:

If you have these four things, do not be sad for whatever you are missing in this life:

(Truthfulness in conversation, preservation of trusts, good manners and lawful sustenance) Trustworthiness is one those four ethical foundations which nothing equals them in this world. They can be a reason for the success a person achieves in life due to what people finds in him, like when trustworthiness and truthfulness of the Prophet were the reason for him to get married to Khadijah, the Mother of Believers. Trustworthy is a quality which distinguishes the Messengers, everyone of them used to say to his people: “Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger.” (Ash-Shu’rah: Verses 107, 125, 143, 162, 178)

This was the testimony of their enemies about them, just as what was narrated about Abu Sufyan and Heraclius when he asked Abu Sufyan: “I asked you, what does he command you to do?” You said: “He commands us to pray, tell the truth, commit to chastity, fulfill promises and preserve trusts. These are the qualities of a Prophet).” In another part of the narration of Imam Bukhari: “I asked you, does he commit betraya?” You said: No, and this the quality of Messengers, they do not betray. (Because these are the characteristics of Prophets, their followers are distinguished as well, and this is why, the believer is always defined by his distinctive conduct. The Messenger, Peace Be upon Him, said: “The believer is the one whom people entrust with their lives and wealth.” Narrated by Fudhalah ibn Obeid with sound chain of narration.

A trustworthy person is always keen on fulfilling his duty, without any malice or betrayal, he keeps his pledges and promises. A great message like Islam cannot be carried and fulfilled except by those who are truthful and trustworthy.

Hence, truthfulness and trustworthiness are two qualities which combine all characteristics of goodness, so the Beloved Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, was distinguished by all characteristics of goodness. He was not just an trustworthy man, he was the most trustworthy man in Makkah by the testimony of his friends and enemies alike, they all agreed on that.

As for his humanity, he was born with it, it remained the same through the stages of his life. He was distinguished by his humanity among his peers and people, it protected him against falling into any kind of mischief and kept him from going astray, it pushed him to do good and follow the perfect conduct.

He was a soft plant among hearts which hardened, manners which  coarsened, feelings which dried, emotions which thickened, and minds which turned to stones. He was a tender flower among a thorny forest with harsh branches and hard trunks. The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, was like a fruitful shady tree in a barren infertile desert. He was useful in all his conditions, he was a kind gracious donor, so it was no wonder that even before he was assigned with delivering the Message of Islam, he was under the sights of others, respected by them for his humanity. Despite their hard hearts and sharp tongues, they all admitted before and after being a Messenger that Muhammad has a virtuous spirit, kind heart, refined manners and gracious humanity. This is why his title, as previously mentioned, was the Truthful, the Trustworthy!

This Heavenly preparation is manifested in his brilliance in managing all matters and situations, such as the conflict between the tribes fighting about whom would place the Black Stone into its place, this conflict came close to cause a war between all those tribes. The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, wisely asked them to give him a cloth and put the Black Stone in its centre. Each of the clan leaders held the corners of the cloth and carried the Black Stone to the right spot. Then, the Prophet himself set the stone in place, satisfying the honor of all of the clans.

On top of that, He was well-mannered and disciplined as Almighty Allah says: “And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied. Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge? And He found you lost and guided [you], And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.” (Al-Dhuha: 5-8) The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, also said: “My Lord has disciplined me in the best refined manner.” (Narrated by Ibn Mas’oud, it is included in Da’eef Al-Albani)

 “The best of manners in people were manifested in the Prophet, Peace Be upon Him. He was the best role model in terms of wise thinking and insight. He enjoyed a great deal of perception, genuineness and rightness of the method and aim. He employed silence to ponder, think and conclude the truth. He used His bright mind and impeccable nature to read into matters of life, people and communities. He avoided all trivialities and lived with people based on insight and awareness of His issues and theirs. Whenever He found anything good, He took part in it, otherwise He would return to solitude by not engaging into drinking or eating from anything that was slaughtered for the Idols. He did not attend any of the celebrations or ceremonies of the idol, he distanced himself from worshiping idols from an early age. Nothing was more hateful for him than the idols, and he did not even endure listening to swearing by the names of al-Lat and al-Ozzah. There is no doubt that Almighty Allah protected and guarded him, as once he was curious to try some life pleasures by taking part in some tribal traditions, but Allah protected him from any of such things. The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, said: "I have never tried to do what my people do except for two times. Every time Allah intervened and checked me from doing so and I never did that again. Once I told my fellow-shepherd to take care of my sheep when we were in the upper part of Makkah. I wanted to go down to Makkah and entertain myself as the young men did. I went down to the first house of Makkah where I heard music. I entered and asked: ‘What is this?’ Someone answered: ‘It is a wedding party.’ I sat down and listened but soon went into deep sleep. I was awakened by the heat of the sun. I went back to my fellow-shepherd and told him of what had happened to me. I have never tried it again."

Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Jabir bin ‘Abdullah that he said: "While the people were rebuilding Al-Ka‘bah, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) went with ‘Abbas to carry some stones. ‘Abbas said: ‘Put your loincloth round your neck to protect you from the stones.’ (As he did that) the Prophet (pbuh) fell to the ground and his eyes turned skyward. Later on he woke up and shouted: ‘My loincloth... my loincloth.’ He wrapped himself in his loincloth." In another report: "His loins were never seen afterwards." [Bukhari Chapter: The Building of Al-Ka'bah, 1/540]

The Prophet was characterized with good manners, virtuous and high ethics among his people. He has the best character, manners and neighborly relations. He was the kindest, most truthful and lenient person. He was the most virtuous, generous, hardworking, loyal and trustworthy that his people called him “the Trustworthy” because of the good manners and characters combined in him. The Mother of Believers Khadijah, May Allah be pleased with her, said about him: “You bear the burden of the weak; you help the poor and the needy, you entertain the guests and endure hardships in the path of truthfulness.”

Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, took part in the sacrilegious war when he was young. “When the Prophet, PBUH, was around fourteen or fifteen years of age, the sacrilegious war, known as the Harb'ul'Fujjar, broke out between the Quraysh and the tribe of Qays. Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him, was present at this event such that he picked up the arrows that the enemy had shot and gave them back to the Qurayshite fighters. This was to mark his first experience of military operations.” (Ibn Hisham, Vol. I, 186).

according to waht I was told by Abu 'Ubaidah An-Nahwi, who reported on the authority of Abu 'Amr Ibn Al-'Ala, the Sacrilegious War sprang up between Quraish and their supporters from Kinanah, and Qais 'Ailan. The couse of it was that 'Urwah Ar-Rahhal Ibn 'Utbah Ibn Ja'afar Ibn Kilab Ibn Rabee'ah Ibn 'Amir Ibn Sa'sa'ah Ibn Mu'awiyah Ibn Bakr Ibn Hawazin granted protection to some trade goods belonging to An-Nu'man Ibn Al-Mundhir. Al-Barrad Ibn Qais, who belonged to Banu Damrah Ibn Bakr Ibn 'Abd Manat Ibn Kinanah, said "Do you protect them against Kinanah?" Urwah replied, 'Yes, and against all mankind.' So 'Urwah set out with the caravan and Al-Barrad also set out, hoping to catch him unaware. He followed the caravan until it reached Taiman Dhee Zillal, at Al-'Aliyah and catching 'Urwah unaware, he attached him and killed him in a sacred month. For this reason, the war became known as the Sacrilegious War. Al-Barrad said regarding it (Al-Bahrul-Wafir)

I raised my hand to him at Dhee Zilal

And he fell down and lay stunned, Like a felled tree.

Ibn Hisham said: “Al-Barradh’s tribe, the Kinannah, found out about what was happening, and so they too followed in close pursuit, hoping to take their stronger adversaries from the Hawaazin tribe by surprise. When Urwah and the Hawaazin found out that they were being followed, they turned around and headed towards the Kinnanah tribe, now becoming the hunters instead of the hunted. They overtook the Kinaanah tribe before they were able to enter the inviolable city of Makkah, and the two tribes fought until nightfall, at which time the members of the Kinannah tribe were able to enter Makkah. Since Arabs considered Makkah to be holy, the Hawaazin tribe did not pursue their enemy. But on the following day, the fighting began anew, except that this time around, the Quraish entered into the fray, lending their support to the Kinaanah tribe. In the battles that ensured, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) participated alongside the Quraish …. When he mentioned the war later on his life, the Prophet said, “I used to hand arrows to my uncles.” What this means is that the Prophet (PBUH) would pick up stray arrows fired by the enemies and hand them to his uncles.

Some orientalists claim that the Prophet (PBUH) only handed arrows in this war because it is something near his nature than taking part in the fighting. They say so to indicate that he was not able to take part in the actual fighting except handing arrows. This is wrong and untrue because at the time, the Prophet (PBUH) was either fourteen or fifteen years old, which is a young age, and had the Prophet (PBUH) been twenty years old, he probably would have been required to fully participate in the battle.

All the blessed and great qualities culminated in the Prophet’s personality, the greatest traits of love, kindness, generosity, bravery and heroism. We will further shed light on his courageousness and valiance at war. He was at the front lines, before his men at battles when fighting was at its peak and the bravest fighters become afraid, even the best of knightsx, like Ai ibn Abi Taleb, can feel afraid at that time, but not the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him.)

The Prophet, Peace Be upon Him, grew up with traits and manners that are no different than those after he became a Prophet. This enhances his credibility and authenticity, Peace Be upon Him.


[1] amin, el-sayed m .a human being before a prophet: muslim reflections on muhammad's character ,available from:


[2] Muhammad Fahmi Abdul Wahab. The Messenger of Islam Muhammad in the Eyes of the Famous Western Philosophers, Scholars and Writes (Page 5-10)

[3] Muhammad Mitwali al-Sharawi, The Messenger of Allah Muhammad Peace Be upon Him: Cairo, Dar Akhbar Elyom, 1999 – Page 61.

[4] Former Source, Page 65.

[5] Anwar al-Gindi, Akbas mina Al Sira Al Atera (Torches from the Scented Prophet’s Biography), Page 9, quoted with editing.

[6] http://www.syriastar.com/vb/showthread.php?t=32915

[7] Ibn al-Juzi, Abu Al-Faraj Abdul Rahman, Safwat al-Safwah (The Elite of the Elite)/ Compiled by Ahmd ibn Ali – Cairo: Dar al-Hadith Publication House, 2000, Page 21.

[8] Saffay al-Deen al-Mubarakfuri, Page 71 [8]

[9] Saffay al-Deen al-Mubarakfuri, Page 74 [15]

[10] Saffay al-Deen al-Mubarkfuri, Page 74-75.

[11] Muhammad Mitwali al-Sharawi, The Messenger of Allah Muhammad Peace Be upon Him: Cairo, Dar Akhbar Elyom, 1999 – Page 56.

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